  • 韦莉莉,栾桂龙,蒋艳明.奶水牛血清碱性磷酸酶同工酶的研究[J].广西科学,1996,3(1):71-73,80.    [点击复制]
  • Wei Lili,Luan Guilong,Jiang Yanming.A Study on Serum Alkaline Phosophomonoesterase Isoenzymes in Milk Buffaloes[J].Guangxi Sciences,1996,3(1):71-73,80.   [点击复制]
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韦莉莉, 栾桂龙, 蒋艳明
(广西农业大学实验中心, 南宁市秀灵路13号 530005)
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶圆盘电泳和光密度扫描法,对摩拉(Murrh).尼里(Nili-Ravi)及三品系杂交[Ni♂×(Mu♂×Nanning♀)♀]母奶水牛血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)同工酶进行研究。结果表明:ALP相对总活力为,摩拉(196200) > 尼里(153400) > 三品杂(150300),尼里为高产奶量组>低产奶量组、摩拉和三品杂为低产奶量组>高产奶量组;ALP三种同工酶的特点,尼里为ALP2 >> ALP1 > ALP3、摩拉和三品杂为ALP2 >> ALP3 > ALP1;种间比较,ALP1为尼里 > 摩拉 > 三品杂、ALP2为摩拉 > 尼里 > 三品杂、ALP3则为三品杂 > 尼里 > 摩拉;种内比较,ALP1在尼里和三品杂为低产奶量组>高产奶量组、在摩拉则为高产奶量组>低产奶量组,ALP2则均为高产奶量组>低产奶量组,而在ALP3则均为低产奶量组>高产奶量组。实验证实了两性载体电解质为水牛血清ALP的强烈抑制剂。
关键词:  奶水牛  血清碱性磷酸酶  同工酶  相对活力  抑制剂
A Study on Serum Alkaline Phosophomonoesterase Isoenzymes in Milk Buffaloes
Wei Lili, Luan Guilong, Jiang Yanming
(Research Centre, Guangxi Agricultural University, 13 Xiuling Road, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005)
The total relative and relative activity of serum alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP) isoenzymes from three breeds of female milk buffaloes, Murrah (Mu), Nili-Ravis (Ni) and a triple crossbred[Tc:Ni♂×(Mu ♂×Nanning♀)♀], was analysed using polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and optical density scanning method. The results showed that the total relative activity of ALP in the three breeds was in the order of Mu (196 200) > Ni (153 400) > Tc (150 300).the isoenzyme activity in the high-milk-yield group was higher than that in the low-yield group in Ni, while the opposite was true in Mu and Tc. ALP2 >> ALP1 > ALP3 in Ni and ALP2 >> ALP3 > ALP1 in Mu and Tc; ALP1:Ni > Mu > Tc, ALP2:Mu > Ni > Tc and ALP3:Tc > Ni > Mu; the activity of ALP1 from low-yield group was higher than that from high-yield group in Ni and Tc,and opposite was true in Mu; the activity of ALP2 from high-yield group was higher than from lowyield group in all the three breeds; the activity of ALP3 was opposite to that of ALP2. The experiment demonstrated that ampholyte carriers were strong inhibitors of serum ALP of buffaloes.
Key words:  milk buffaloe  serum alkaline phosphomonoesterase  isoenzyme  relative activity  inhibitor

