  • 张红星,吴宝成.论鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒细胞苗的制造和应用[J].广西科学,1996,3(1):77-80.    [点击复制]
  • Zhang Hongxing,Wu Baocheng.On the Production and Application of the Vaccine of the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus[J].Guangxi Sciences,1996,3(1):77-80.   [点击复制]
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张红星, 吴宝成
(广西农业大学牧医系, 南宁市秀灵路13号 530005)
关键词:  传染性法氏囊病病毒  疫苗  制造  使用
On the Production and Application of the Vaccine of the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus
Zhang Hongxing, Wu Baocheng
(The Veterina et Zootechnica Department, Guangxi Argricultural Univ., 13 Xiuling Road, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005)
At present, Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) is widespread epidemic and results in serious damage to the poultry of China, although several kinds of vaccines are applied. It's the main reason that the quality of the vaccine and the order or method of the immunity are inappropriate. The existing problems and the effective resolving measures are put forward in the manufacturing operation and application of vaccine:Chick embryo without maternal antibody (MA) must be chosen, Time of digestion is about 15 minutes, Cell number is 1~1.5 million/mL, Dose of inoculated virus's seed is 0.1%-0.2% culture solution included 3%-5% serum of newborn calf, and the speed is dominated when the culture solution of virus and protective agent are mixed before freeze-dried. For young chickens without MA or little being known about MA, the immunity are executed respectively in 7, 14 and 25-old-day chickens, but for young chickens having MA in 10-14, 21 and 40-old-day respectively with nasal drops or eye drops. The dose of common practice of vaccine is one million PFu per chicken, the minimum is a hundred thousand PFu.
Key words:  Infectious Bursal disease Virus (IBDV)  vaccine  production  application

