  • 谢正福,柳广南,覃寿明,邓家珍,施焕中,许辉.吸入白细胞介素-5对支气管哮喘患者外周血嗜酸性粒细胞数及其活化状态的影响[J].广西科学,1999,6(1):47-52.    [点击复制]
  • Xie Zhengfu,Liu Guangnan,Qin Shouming,Den Jiazhen,Shi Huanzhong,Xu Hui.Effect of Inhaled Interleukin-5 on Activity and Number of Eosinophils in Circulation from Asthmatics[J].Guangxi Sciences,1999,6(1):47-52.   [点击复制]
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谢正福, 柳广南, 覃寿明, 邓家珍, 施焕中, 许辉
(广西医科大学第一附属医院内科, 南宁市滨湖路6号 530021)
关键词:  支气管哮喘  嗜酸性阳离子蛋白  嗜酸性粒细胞  白细胞介素-5
基金项目:Supported in part by a grant No.96053 from the Education Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,P.R.C.,and in part by a research grant No.9532012 from Science and Technology Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Effect of Inhaled Interleukin-5 on Activity and Number of Eosinophils in Circulation from Asthmatics
Xie Zhengfu, Liu Guangnan, Qin Shouming, Den Jiazhen, Shi Huanzhong, Xu Hui
(Department of Internal Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, 6 Binhulu, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021)
For examining the effects of recombinant human(rh) IL-5 inhalation on changes of activity and number of circulating eosinophils in allergic asthmatics, as well as concentrations of serum IgE,a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study design was employed, in which each subject acted as his or her own control. Eight nonsmoking patients with allergic asthma were administered rhIL-5 by nebulization, total blood nuclear cell counts and differentials, as well as concentrations of ECP and IgE in serum were determined before, and at 2 h,24 h,48 h after inhalation, respectively.Eosinophil numbers and ECP levels within the control group did not appear to change from baseline at any time throughout the study, eosinophil numbers from baseline(3.6±1.1×105/mL) to 6.3±1.2×105/mL (P<0.01) at 24 h,and to 5.7±0.9×105/mL(P<0.01) at 48h after IL-5 inhalation. Accompanying this significant blood eosinophilia was a significant elevation of serum ECP levels. Compared with baseline value(6.3±1.1 pg/mL), inhalation of IL-5 lead to ECP levels increase with time, reaching 17.6±2.8 pg/mL at 24 h (P<0.01); and this elevated ECP levels lasted at least 48 h(18.1±2.9 pg/mL, P<0.01).IL-5 inhalation had no significant effect of levels of serum total IgE.our findings provided direct evidence that IL-5 not only induced a significant blood eosinophilia, but also resulted in the activation of circulating eosinophils.
Key words:  Asthma  eosinophil cationic protein  Eosinophil  IL-5

