  • 龚继春,徐锡金,徐林,李松峰,韦献良,周丽宁,莫世泰,魏博源.广西玉林地区青少年纵向体质发育指标分析[J].广西科学,1999,6(2):132-134.    [点击复制]
  • Gong Jichun,Xu Xijin,Xu Lin,Li Songfeng,Wei Xianliang,Zhou Lining,Mo Shitai,Wei Boyuan.Lengthwise Growth of Students of Ages 7 to 16 in Yulin Prefecture, Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,1999,6(2):132-134.   [点击复制]
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龚继春, 徐锡金, 徐林, 李松峰, 韦献良, 周丽宁, 莫世泰, 魏博源
(广西医科大学解剖学教研室, 南宁市滨湖路6号 530021)
关键词:  体质  纵向生长  青少年
Lengthwise Growth of Students of Ages 7 to 16 in Yulin Prefecture, Guangxi
Gong Jichun, Xu Xijin, Xu Lin, Li Songfeng, Wei Xianliang, Zhou Lining, Mo Shitai, Wei Boyuan
(Dept. of Anatomy, Guangxi Medical Univ., 6 Binhulu, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021)
By random stratified sampling,1.135 students (645 males and 490 females) at the age of 7 to 16 were investigated at 32 anthropometry items in counties Bobai, Luchuan of Yulin prefecture, Guangxi. The growth tendency of body height, trunk length, upper extremity length, lower extremity length between the male and the female are in line, but their fast growth phases are different, male in age of 10 to 11,female in 12 to 13. According to typing by upper extremity length/body height, the short type accounts for 98.0% for male and 98.2% for female in all the three types; and according to typing by lower extremity length/body height, the long type is 58.5% for male,43.5% for female; the short type is 33.6% for male,43.1% for female. The body height average of the students in Yulin prefecture is the lowest compared to the whole country and Japanese students and the maxmium difference is respectively 90.7 mm(age 16),120.6 mm(age 16) to male;57.8 mm (age 16),86.1 mm (age 9) to female.
Key words:  anthropometry  lengthwise growth  children and teens

