  • 杨忠武,杨春生,陈尚文.广西龙胜油茶枯叶蛾生物学特性研究[J].广西科学,2001,8(4):313-315.    [点击复制]
  • Yang Zhongwu,Yang Chunsheng,Cheng Shangwen.The Biological Characters of Tea-oil Caterpillar Moth (Lebeda nobilis) in Longsheng,Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2001,8(4):313-315.   [点击复制]
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杨忠武, 杨春生, 陈尚文
(广西桂林市森林防护检疫站, 桂林市中山北路385号 541001)
于1995年至1999年在广西龙胜县的油茶林内设10块样地(长×宽=20 m×20 m)观察油茶枯叶蛾(Lebedanobilis Walker)的生活历期和习性,并从林间采回卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫于纱笼中饲养观察油茶枯叶蛾的生活史,以及各世代蛹、成虫、卵、幼虫出现期和终期。结果表明,在广西龙胜县1年1代,以初孵幼虫在卵壳内越冬,翌年3月中旬当气温升至18℃~22℃时,幼虫破壳而出;幼虫7龄,发育历期120d~150d。5龄开始食量增加,6龄~7龄为暴食阶段,油茶枯叶蛾幼虫一生食叶量300片~350片,其中4龄以前20片~25片,5龄30片~40片,6龄60片~100片,7龄160片~170片,特别是7龄,其食叶量约占终生食叶量的70%。8月中旬开始吐丝结茧,9月下旬至10月上旬成虫羽化。
关键词:  油茶枯叶蛾  生活史  生长习性
The Biological Characters of Tea-oil Caterpillar Moth (Lebeda nobilis) in Longsheng,Guangxi
Yang Zhongwu, Yang Chunsheng, Cheng Shangwen
(Forestry Pest Management and Quarantine Station of Guilin, 385 North Zhongshanlu, Guilin, Guangxi, 541001, China)
To research the life cycle and growth behaviour of Lebeda nobilis Walker, ten sampling spots (20 m×20 m) were established in the stands of Camilla oleifera, Longsheng County, northern Guangxi from 1995 to 2000. The eggs,larva,pupa,adults were collected to be borne in cotton cages.Lebeda nobilis has one generation a year,and goes through winter in young larva in the eggs. The larva bore out of eggs when the air temperature is at 18℃ to 22℃ in the mid-March of coming year.Larva grows through 7 instars in a life cycle and needs 120 days to 150 days.There is an increasing food eating in the 5th instars,and remarkable in the 6th to the 7th. The larva needs 300 to 350 leaves of Camellia oleifera as food in its whole life, and the food eated in the 7th accounts for 70%. Pupation starts in the mid-August, and adult emerge and lay eggs are from the last ten days of September to the first ten days of October.
Key words:  Lebeda nobilis Walker  life cycle  growth behaviour

