  • 符诗聪,张慧娟,马景,姚莉韵,张凤华,杜宁.木芙蓉叶有效组分致突变与急性毒性实验研究[J].广西科学,2002,9(1):53-56.    [点击复制]
  • Fu Shicong,Zhang Huijuan,Ma Jing,Yao Liyun,Zhang Fenghua,Du Ning.Experimental Assessment on Mutagenicity and Acute Toxicity of the Effective Fraction of Leaves of Hibiscus mutabilis L.[J].Guangxi Sciences,2002,9(1):53-56.   [点击复制]
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符诗聪, 张慧娟, 马景, 姚莉韵, 张凤华, 杜宁
(上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院伤科, 上海市瑞金二路197号 200025)
为评价木芙蓉(Hibiscus mutabilis L.)(MFR)叶有效组分(提取物)的致基因突变和急性毒性作用,根据《新药(中药)临床前研究指导原则汇编》的设计要求对MFR叶有效组分进行致突变试验(Ames试验)与急性毒性试验。Ames试验在有和无代谢活化系统两平行条件下进行。对20只小鼠以生药0.5g/ml浓度的MFR叶有效组分给小鼠灌胃,灌胃量为0.8ml/20g,服药后,以LD50判断急性毒性。Ames试验最高剂量为5000微克/皿,最低剂量为0.5微克/皿;无论S9存在与否,均无致突变作用。小鼠灌胃MFR叶有效组分,剂量相当于生药312.4g/kg,为动物有效剂量的150倍,未见毒性反应。表明,MFR叶有效组分是低毒、安全的中药制剂,可以进一步开发用于临床。
关键词:  木芙蓉(Hibiscus mutabilisL.)    有效组分  基因突变性  急性毒性
Experimental Assessment on Mutagenicity and Acute Toxicity of the Effective Fraction of Leaves of Hibiscus mutabilis L.
Fu Shicong, Zhang Huijuan, Ma Jing, Yao Liyun, Zhang Fenghua, Du Ning
(Depatment of Traumatology, Ruijin Hospital, Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai, 197 Ruijin Erlu, Shanghai, 200025, China)
To investigate the potential mutagenicity of the effective fraction (extract) of leaves of Hibiscus mutabilis L. (MFR), Ames test and acute toxicity test on MFR are conducted under the test design instruction of Collection of Guidelines for Preclinical Investigation of Novel Medicine. Ames test is carried out under two parallel conditions with and without metabolism activating system. Twenty mice are orally administrated with 0.5 g/ml of the effective fraction of MFR leaves,and the dosage for mouse is 0.8 ml/20 g weight The toxicity is assessed by the mortality of mice in LD50. In Ames test, the highest dosage is 5000 μg/dish, while the lowest 0.5 μg/dish. No mutagenicity is observed with or without S9. The amount of effective fraction of MFR leaves given to mice is equal to 312.4 g/kg, which is the 150-fold the effective dosage. It is suggested that the effective fraction of MFR leaves is a safe Chinese herb preparation,and worth further developing for clinical application.
Key words:  Hibiscus mutabilis L  leave  effective fraction  gene mutagenicity  acute toxicity

