  • 何碧娟,陈波.北海银滩海岸冲刷及环境污损原因分析[J].广西科学,2002,9(1):69-72,77.    [点击复制]
  • He Bijuan,Chen Bo.Causes of Environmental Pollution and Erosion of Yintan Beach in Beihai City of Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2002,9(1):69-72,77.   [点击复制]
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何碧娟, 陈波
(广西科学院, 南宁市星湖路32号 530022)
关键词:  海岸  海滩冲刷  海水污染  人造工程  环境整治
Causes of Environmental Pollution and Erosion of Yintan Beach in Beihai City of Guangxi
He Bijuan, Chen Bo
(Guangxi Academy of Sciences, 32 Xinghulu, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China)
Yintan beech is located in the east beach of Beihai City,Guangxi,south China. It is found that the coastal line backs off,the sand foreshore is getting steep and smaller,the dark layer under surface comes out,the sea water is polluted. The causes for these phenomena are that the wave-blocked dam in the lagoon jaw blocks the transfer of sands from the westward coast;the wave-blocked wall breaks the integration of sand bar and beach face;The extending of the wave-blocked wall into tidal zone accelerates the erosion of the sea-floor in front of the wall. Heavy erosion of sand beach makes the dark layer under surface reveal. The city sewage,fishing boat oil,organic pollution of the silt in the bottom of lagoon inner harbor severely polluted the sea area. In order to improve the environment of Yintan Park,it is suggested that backouting some of the constructions in tidal zone such as hotels,stores,part of wave-blocked wall;shortening wave-blocked dam;planting trees in tidal zone;clearing out silt in the bottom of lagoon by machine and manpower;building up sewage collection system near the park.
Key words:  beach  foreshore erosion  pollution of sea water  artificial engineering  environment regulation

