  • 田允波,葛长荣,高士争.天然植物提取物促仔猪生长的内分泌机制[J].广西科学,2003,10(3):228-231.    [点击复制]
  • Tian Yunbo,Ge Changrong,Gao Shizheng.Extraction of Natural Plants on Endocrine Function of Growth Promotion in Porklings[J].Guangxi Sciences,2003,10(3):228-231.   [点击复制]
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田允波, 葛长荣, 高士争
(佛山科学技术学院动物科学系, 广东佛山 528231)
关键词:  仔猪  生长性能  天然植物提取物
Extraction of Natural Plants on Endocrine Function of Growth Promotion in Porklings
Tian Yunbo, Ge Changrong, Gao Shizheng
(Department of Animal Science, Foshan University, Foshan, Guangdong, 528231, China)
Eighty porklings(Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire) with body weight of 20 kg were alloted to two treatments and four replicate pens designing for each treatment by weight and sex.Fed basic diet supplemented with 300 mg extraction of natural plants(ENP) per kg diets for test group,and normal using drugs(arsanilic acid 90 mg,15%bacitracin zinc 70 mg and oxytetracycline 120 mg) per kg diets for control group.Comparing with the control group,ENP supplement increased the average gain weight(ADG) by 7.18%(P<0.05),feed conversion ratio by 5.61%(P<0.05),and increased the activities of glutamic propylic transaminase(GPT),glutamic oxaolacetic transaminase(GOT) and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) by 10.75%(P<0.05),10.88%(P<0.05) and 33.50%(P<0.05) respectively.It also increased the levels of GH、IGF-I、T3、T4 and cAMP in serums by 7.34%(P<0.05),15.32%(P<0.05),29.42%(P<0.05),23.31%(P<0.05) and 15.88%(P<0.05) respectively.The results indicated that ENP might improved the growing performance of porklings through the system of internal secretion.It seem to be a whole improving effect to the growing performance though digestibility of feed nutrition;enhance the anabolism though improving synthesis and secretion of GH,IGF-1;and had relationship of improving synthesis and secretion between T3,T4 and cAMP,the mobilization of fat;accelerating oxidization and decomposition of fat,decreasing the deposition of carcass fat.
Key words:  porkling  growing performance  extraction of natural plants

