  • 肖海龙,黄建华,周善义.广西猫儿山自然保护区蝗虫生物多样性初步研究[J].广西科学,2004,11(2):157-160.    [点击复制]
  • Xiao Hailong,Huang Jianhua,Zhou Shanyi.Preliminary Study on Acridoidea Biodiversity in Maoershan Natural Reserve of Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2004,11(2):157-160.   [点击复制]
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肖海龙1, 黄建华2, 周善义2
(1.浙江大学生命科学学院, 浙江杭州 310027;2.广西师范大学生命科学学院, 桂林市育才路3号 541004)
于2000年7月至10月将广西猫儿山自然保护区划分为海拔400~800m、800~1200m、1200~1600m和1600m以上的4个区域。在每个区域中选择竹林生境、阔叶林生境、阔叶灌丛生境、草灌生境,分别随机抽取2个样方(25m×25m)扫网调查蝗虫的种类及个体数,7月、8月、9月、10月各调查1次,并应用香农-威纳(Shannon-Wiener)多样性指数分析不同生境、海拔及月份的蝗虫种类及个体数。结果表明,猫儿山自然保护区蝗虫共有31种,分别隶属于5科24属,山稻蝗(Oxya agavisa Tsai)、中华越北蝗(Tonkinacris sinensis Chang)、喙尾蹦蝗(Sinopodisma rostellocerca You)和短翅佛蝗(Phlaeoba antennate Br.-W.)为该地区蝗虫类群的优势种。在4种生境中,草灌类型的生物多样性指数最高,H=0.923。随着海拔升高,多样性指数降低,以400~800m区域最高(H=0.928),1200~1600m区域最低(H=0.774),1600m以上没有调查到蝗虫。在4个月份中,蝗虫生物多样性指数从低到高依次为7月(H=0.676)、10月(H=0.879)、8月(H=0.936)、9月(H=0.941)
关键词:  蝗虫  生物多样性  海拔  生境  月份
Preliminary Study on Acridoidea Biodiversity in Maoershan Natural Reserve of Guangxi
Xiao Hailong1, Huang Jianhua2, Zhou Shanyi2
(1.College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310027, China;2.College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, 3 Yucailu, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
Divided Maoershan Natural Reserve of Guangxi into 4 areas based on the altitude,i.e.400~800 m,800~1200 m,1200~1600 m,and the area higher than 1600 m,from July to October,2000.Selected bamboo habits,broadleaf habits,broadleaf bush habits,grass bush habits and 2 random samples (25 m×25 m) in each habits in each area mentioned above,to collect Acridoidea species and individuals with sweeping net.Investigations took in July,August,September,and October respectively.Analysed the Acridoidea species and individuals in different habits,altitudes and months with Shannon Wiener's diversity index.The result showed that 31 species,belonging to 5 families and 24 genera,were recorded in Maoershan region.Among the species,Oxya agavisa Tsai,Tonkinacris sinensis Chang,Sinopodisma rostellocerca You and Phlaeoba antennate Br. W.were the superiority species.Among the four habits,grass bush has the highest diversity index,H=0.923. The index decrease with the increase of altitude,400~800m area was the highest diversity index (H=0.928),and 1200~1600m area was the lowest diversity index (H=0.774).There were no Acridoidea species in the area where the altitude higher than 1600 m.In the four months mentioned above,four months the indexes from lowest to the highest were in proper order:July (H=0.676),October (H=0.879),August (H=0.936) and September (H=0.941).
Key words:  Acridoidea  biodiversity  altitude  habits  month

