  • 韦蔓新,何本茂,赖廷和.廉州湾赤潮形成期间pH值和溶解氧的时空分布及其与环境因素的关系[J].广西科学,2004,11(3):221-224.    [点击复制]
  • Wei Manxin,He Benmao,Lai Tinghe.The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of pH Value and DO and Their Relation with the Environmental Factors during the Formation of the Algal Bloom in Lianzhou Bay[J].Guangxi Sciences,2004,11(3):221-224.   [点击复制]
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韦蔓新, 何本茂, 赖廷和
(广西红树林研究中心, 北海市长青东路92号 536000)
关键词:  赤潮  pH值  溶解氧  分布  环境因素
The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of pH Value and DO and Their Relation with the Environmental Factors during the Formation of the Algal Bloom in Lianzhou Bay
Wei Manxin, He Benmao, Lai Tinghe
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, 92 East Changqinlu, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
This paper dealt with the synchronous investigation on the bloom of Microcystis Kuetz firstly happened in Lianzhou bay on 15th and 16th of March,1995.The temporal and spatial distribution of pH and DO and their relation with the environmental factors and the nutrient salt during the formation of algal bloom were studied.The results showed that the pH value monitored before the occurring of algal bloom was much lower than that in the midst of algal bloom,and DO contents appeared an adverse rule.As to the correlation with the environmental factors,before the occurring of algal bloom,there was positive correlation between pH value and O2%,DO and COD,and DO and Chl-a,the correlation coefficients r were 0.863,0.834 and 0.830 respectively.And in the midst of algal bloom,there was positive correlation between pH and S,pH value and SS,DO and O2%,the correlation coefficients r were 0.843,0.803 and 0.995 respectively.As to the correlation with nutrient salt,before the occurring of algal bloom,there was obvious negative correlation trend between pH value and the three states of inorganic nitrogen,particularly between pH value and NH4+,and correlation coefficients r was -0.842.And an obvious positive correlation trend between DO and the three states of inorganic nitrogen could be observed,but it did not reach the level of significance.In the mist of algal bloom,there was negative correlation trend between pH,DO and nitrogen phosphorus nutrient salt.And the correlation coefficients r between pH value and NO3-,pH and NO2-,DO and PO4-,Do and NH4+ were -0.972,-0.967,-0.853 and -0.929 respectively.
Key words:  algal bloom  pH value  DO  distribution  environmental factor

