  • 梁鑫,谢佳利,荣小军.国内工业生产总值的时间序列模型研究[J].广西科学,2008,15(1):35-37.    [点击复制]
  • LIANG Xin,XIE Jia-li,RONG Xiao-jun.The Time Series Model of the Gross Industrial Output Value in China[J].Guangxi Sciences,2008,15(1):35-37.   [点击复制]
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梁鑫, 谢佳利, 荣小军
(广西师范大学数学科学学院, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  时间序列模型  SPSS系统  工业生产总值
The Time Series Model of the Gross Industrial Output Value in China
LIANG Xin, XIE Jia-li, RONG Xiao-jun
(College of Mathematics, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
Under the SPSS system, this paper carries out the characteristic analysis by adopting the primary data of the gross industrial output value in China from July 2000 to December 2006, and chooses the nonseasonal model, the seasonal model and the multiplicative seasonal model, to confirm the time series model that mostly fit in with the development rule of the gross industrial output value in China from four aspects:model identification, parameter estimation, diagnostic checking and actual fitting.The research presents the new result that the Q value of the seasonal model and the multiplicative seasonal model is less than the relevant value, while the nonseasonal model is just on the contrary.To the gross industrial output value in China, compared with the actual value, the average relative error of the forecast value of the multiplicative seasonal model is less than the seasonal model's.That is, the forecast value of the multiplicative seasonal model closely fits the actual value.Compare with the other typical statistic forecast models, the multiplicative seasonal model mostly fits the development rules of the gross industrial output value in China, and it can make a valuable reference for the unified programming of large-sized or mid-sized corporation and the related departments of the nation.
Key words:  time series model  SPSS system  the gross industrial output value

