  • 覃永华,唐继新,秦武明,黄永,刘淑英,赵绍文.三个相思树种的造林对比试验[J].广西科学,2008,15(1):87-91.    [点击复制]
  • QIN Yong-hua,TANG Ji-xin,QIN Wu-ming,HUANG Yong,LIU Shu-ying,ZHAO Shao-wen.The Comparative Experiment on Afforestation of Three Acacia Species[J].Guangxi Sciences,2008,15(1):87-91.   [点击复制]
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覃永华1, 唐继新1, 秦武明1, 黄永2, 刘淑英2, 赵绍文1
(1.广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530005;2.广西国有高峰林场, 广西南宁 530001)
关键词:  相思树  造林试验  生长量  经济效益
The Comparative Experiment on Afforestation of Three Acacia Species
QIN Yong-hua1, TANG Ji-xin1, QIN Wu-ming1, HUANG Yong2, LIU Shu-ying2, ZHAO Shao-wen1
(1.Forestry College, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005, China;2.Guangxi Gaofeng Forest Farm, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
Experiments on afforestation of Acacia crassicarpa, A.mangium and A.mangium×A.auriculiformis were carried out in the Forestry Science and Technology Demonstrate Farm of Guangxi.Three random block were set respectively on the upper slopes, middle slopes and lower slopes on the trial.Each block includs three plot of 400m2 planted with one tree species.The results showed that the average tree height were 13.4m, 12.4m and 11.0m respectively, the former was 7.5 and 17.9 percent higher than that of the two latter.The average DBH were 13.7cm, 12.8cm and 11.2cm respectively, the former was 6.6 and 18.2 percent larger than that of the two latter.Both the tree height and DBH of the three Acacia species had a characteristic of rapid early growth.The rapid growth stage was between 1 to 3 year.The annual tree height were 3.0~3.6m and the annual DBH were 3.8~4.7cm.The volume accumulation were 122.3m3/hm2, 100.7 m3/hm2 and 70.7 m3/hm2 respectively, the former was 121.5 and 173.0 percent of the two latter.The pure income were 10620.0 yuan/hm2, 7695.0 yuan/hm2 and 3645.0 yuan/hm2 respectively, and the former was 1.38 and 2.91 times of the two latter.Comprehensive analysis of the growth and static economic benefits, A.crassicarpa is the best tree species for industrial timber plantation in short-term rotation, and then A.mangium.
Key words:  Acacia  afforestation experiment  growth  economic benefits

