  • 庄军莲,何碧娟,许铭本.广西钦州茅尾海潮间带生物生态特征[J].广西科学,2009,16(1):96-100.    [点击复制]
  • ZHUANG Jun-lian,HE Bi-juan,XU Ming-ben.Ecological Features of the Intertidal Benthos in the Qinzhou Maowei Gulf of Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2009,16(1):96-100.   [点击复制]
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庄军莲, 何碧娟, 许铭本
(广西科学院, 广西南宁 530007)
为研究茅尾海潮间带生物生态特征,于2007年9月、2008年2月及6月,在茅尾海海域共设8条断面进行了3次潮间带生物调查。鉴定出潮间带生物81种,分别属于7门9纲43科68属,其中软体动物贝类16科27种;节肢动物甲壳类12科27种;环节动物多毛类9科19种;其它类4门4纲6科8种。调查表明:平均生物栖息密度的高低顺序为高潮带 > 中潮带 > 低潮带,总平均生物量的高低顺序则为中潮带 > 高潮带 > 低潮带。生物多样性指数范围为:1.86~3.68,均匀度范围为0.50~0.85,优势度范围为0.39~0.79,丰度范围为0.94~2.40。红树林滩涂的多样性指数、均匀度及丰度值均明显低于泥沙滩涂,而优势度值则恰好相反。茅尾海的生物多样性指数及丰度值普遍比钦州湾低,离居民近的滩涂由于受人类活动影响较大,呈现出物种较单一的现象。
关键词:  底栖生物  生态特征  潮间带
Ecological Features of the Intertidal Benthos in the Qinzhou Maowei Gulf of Guangxi
ZHUANG Jun-lian, HE Bi-juan, XU Ming-ben
(Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
Eight sampling sections in three times biology investigation in the Qinzhou Maowei Gulf were set to study the ecological features of the intertidal benthos in Sep.of 2007, Feb.and Jun.of 2008.81 species belonged to 7 kindoms 9 classes 43 families and 68 genera of intertidal benthos were identified, including 16 families 27 species of mollusks, 12 families 27 species of crustacean, 9 families 19 species of polychaete, 4 kindoms 4 classes 6 families and 8 species of others.The perching density of the creatures from high to low order were:high tidal zone > middle tidal zone > low tidal zone, and the order of the average biomass were:middle tidal zone > high tidal zone > low tidal zone.The ranges of the diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index), the evenness index, the dominance index and the abundance index were 1.86~3.68, 0.50~0.85, 0.39~0.79 and 0.94~2.40 respectively.The Shannon-Wiener index, the evenness index and the abundance index were significantly higher in the mangrove swamp than those in the sediment tidal flat, but the reverse result was observed in the dominance index.The diversity index and the abundance index is apparently lower in the Maowei Gulf than in the Qinzhou outer-bay.The species exhibited monotonous in the tidal flat near the residents.
Key words:  benthos  ecological features  intertidal benthos

