  • 温坚,田欢欢,康三军,薛郁.元胞自动机FI交通流模型的能耗研究[J].广西科学,2010,17(3):227-231.    [点击复制]
  • WEN Jian,TIAN Huan-huan,KANG San-jun,XUE Yu.Study on the Energy Dissipation of the Cellular Automaton FI Model[J].Guangxi Sciences,2010,17(3):227-231.   [点击复制]
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温坚1,2, 田欢欢2, 康三军1, 薛郁1
(1.广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.玉林师范学院物理与信息科学系, 广西玉林 537000)
在周期边界条件下,通过引入确定(随机)减速过程中动能减少的车辆分布,研究单一交通流元胞自动机Fukui-Ishibashi模型(FI 模型)的能耗问题.研究发现,FI交通流模型的能耗在最大流量处发生不连续的变化,急剧减少趋近零,其左右各存在交通能耗极大值.在最大流量处,确定(随机)减速过程中动能减少的车辆分布最小,交通能耗随着车辆最大速度的增大,车辆长度的增长和随机减速概率的增大而增加.
关键词:  交通流  能耗  FI模型  元胞自动机
Study on the Energy Dissipation of the Cellular Automaton FI Model
WEN Jian1,2, TIAN Huan-huan2, KANG San-jun1, XUE Yu1
(1.Institute of Physical Science and Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Department of Physics and Information Science, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, 537000, China)
Based on Fukui-Ishibashi model (FI model), energy dissipation in the traffic flow was investigated via considering three factors:the different maximum velocity, length of vehicle, and the delay probability (p).Simulation and analyses indicated that the energy dissipation of the traffic flow consisting of the same length and different maximum velocity is associated with the slow maximum velocity. The slower the maximum velocity, the more the energy consumes. Moreover, for the traffic flow consisting of the same maximum velocity and different length of vehicle, the energy dissipation is related to the length of vehicles.Longer length of vehicles induces more energy dissipation. For the traffic flow with the same maximum velocity and length of vehicle, its energy dissipation is determined by the delay probability p. The energy dissipation of FI model drops suddenly and trends to zero at the maximum flow rate, where there exits a maximum peak around.
Key words:  traffic flow  energy dissipation  FI model  cellular automaton

