  • 吴学众,李检秀,师德强,李秉正.非离子型表面活性剂对甘蔗渣在二甘醇/甘油溶剂中液化的影响[J].广西科学,2011,18(3):238-241,252.    [点击复制]
  • WU Xue-zhong,LI Jian-xiu,SHI De-qiang,LI Bing-zheng.Effects of Non-ionic Surfactants on the Liquefaction of Baggasse in Glycerol/Diethylene Glycol System[J].Guangxi Sciences,2011,18(3):238-241,252.   [点击复制]
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吴学众, 李检秀, 师德强, 李秉正
(1. 广西科学院非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室, 国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心, 广西生物质炼制重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
将甘蔗渣在二甘醇/丙三醇溶剂体系下液化,考察非离子型表面活性剂(NIS):OP-10,OP-15,AEO-9,AEO-15,Tween-85,Tween-80,Span-60对液化的促进作用。结果AEO-15对提高甘蔗渣液化转化率效果最明显,相对于未使用AEO-15的液化体系,残渣率降低36.2%,液化产物羟值提高37.7%,重均分子量上升18.8%,液化产物分子量分布更佳,液化产物聚合分散度降低11.3%;而OP-10对液化中间产物在试剂体系中的分散溶解效果最好,液化最终产物羟值提高96%,达到791 mgKOH/g。这说明,NIS可以提高液化试剂对甘蔗渣的渗透能力,增强液化产物在液化试剂体系中的分散溶解,已经显著改善了甘蔗渣在二甘醇/甘油溶剂体系中的液化程度,液化效果接近或超过了甘蔗渣在聚乙二醇/甘油溶剂体系中的液化效果。
关键词:  甘蔗渣  液化  甘油  二甘醇  非离子型表面活性剂
Effects of Non-ionic Surfactants on the Liquefaction of Baggasse in Glycerol/Diethylene Glycol System
WU Xue-zhong, LI Jian-xiu, SHI De-qiang, LI Bing-zheng
(State Key Laboratory of Non-Food Biomass and Enzyme Technology, National Engineering Research Center for Non-Food Biorefinery, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Biorefinery, Gangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
Bagasse could be liquefied into bio-polyols in the glycerol/diethylene glycol solvent system by the catalyst of sulfuric acid, but its conversion was not as effective as in polyethyleneglycol/glycerol system.The liquefaction efficiency was highly improved by the addition of surfactants into the liquid solvents system.The effects of the composition of liquid solvent, the surfactant dosage, the liquefaction time and the surfactant types on the liquefaction efficiency were investigated.Among all the investigated surfactants, such as OP-10, OP-15, AEO-9, AEO-15, Tween-80, Tween-85 and Span-60, AEO-15 had the best performance in the liquefaction efficiency of bagasse in the system of glycerol/diethylene glycol.The residue rate of liquefied product decreased 36.2%, the hydroxyl value increased 37.7%, and the polydispersity cut down 11.3% compared with the control sample.Surfactant OP-10 had the best efficiency in enhancing the dispersing and dissolving of liquefied intermediate product and the hydroxyl value of liquefied product reached 791 mg KOH/g.These results demonstrated that the non-ionic surfactant could enhance the permeability of reagent to bagasse, increase the dispersing and dissolving of liquefied intermediate product and improve the efficiency of bagasse liquefaction in diethylene glycol/glycerol solvent system significantly.
Key words:  baggasse  liquefaction  glycerol  diethylene glycol  surfactants

