  • 陆永久,廖玉英,韦炳忠,黄丽霞.益生素对银香雏鸡生长性能及肠道微生物菌群的影响[J].广西科学,2011,18(3):314-316,320.    [点击复制]
  • LU Yong-jiu,LIAO Yu-ying,WEI Bing-zhong,HUANG Li-xia.Effects of Probiotics on Performance and Intestinal Microbial Frola of Yinxiang Chickens[J].Guangxi Sciences,2011,18(3):314-316,320.   [点击复制]
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陆永久1, 廖玉英2, 韦炳忠1, 黄丽霞2
(1.南宁市青秀区伶俐镇水产畜牧兽医站, 广西南宁 530211;2.广西畜牧研究所, 广西南宁 530001)
关键词:  银香雏鸡  生长性能  微生物菌群  益生素
Effects of Probiotics on Performance and Intestinal Microbial Frola of Yinxiang Chickens
LU Yong-jiu1, LIAO Yu-ying2, WEI Bing-zhong1, HUANG Li-xia2
(1.Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station of Lingli Town of Qingxiu Disdrict of Nanning, Nanning, Guangxi, 530211, China;2.Guangxi Institute of Animal Science, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
The effects of probiotics on performance and health of Yinxiang chickens were studied in the Grststage.1000 1day-old chickens were allotted randomly to two treatments, 500 chickens of each, with two replicates.The treatment encompassed of 0.1% probiotics in the basic diet and 0% probiotics in the diet as control.The probiotics used in the experiment consists of Lactobacillus and 3Bacilluses.The treated diets were fed for 7 weeks.Feed intake, average body weight, diarrhea rate were recorded weekly.At 49-day age, intestinal floras content was measured.The results showed that the body weight gain of birds fed with 0.1% probiotics diet was 10.04%, 9.08%, 8.53% and 11.65% higher than that of the controls (P<0.01) in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth week, respectively.No significant difference was observed in other weeks (P>0.05).Compared with the control group, the feed conversion rate of chickens fed with 0.1% probiotics diet increased by 19.31%, 17.15%, 7.08% and 21.56% in the first week (P<0.01), the third week (P<0.01), the fifth week (P<0.05), and the sixth week (P<0.01), respectively.There were no significant difference in other weeks (P>0.05).During the age from 0 to 6 weeks, the average body weight gain of birds gived 0.1% probiotics diet revealed 12.81% higher than that of the control ones (P<0.01).The contents of Eschericltia coli in jejunum and caecum decreased by 26.16% and 27.90% (P<0.05) in the probiotics group than those of the control one.The content of Lactic acidin entric increased 20.96% and 13.52% in the probiotics group (P<0.05).Both the diarrbea rate and the mortality of the probiotics group declined when compared with those of the control (P<0.05).
Key words:  Yinxiang chickens  growth performance  intestinal floras  probiotics

