  • 朱栗琼,王勇,招礼军,廖思斯,陆世光,钟梦婷.8种榕属植物叶片解剖构造及抗逆性的数量分析[J].广西科学,2012,19(1):88-92.    [点击复制]
  • ZHU Li-qiong,WANG Yong,ZHAO Li-jun,LIAO Si-si,LU Shi-guang,ZHONG Meng-ting.Quantitative Analysis on Leaf Anatomical Structures and Their Stress Resistance of Eight Ficus Species[J].Guangxi Sciences,2012,19(1):88-92.   [点击复制]
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朱栗琼, 王勇, 招礼军, 廖思斯, 陆世光, 钟梦婷
(广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530004)
为探讨南方绿化常用的8种桑科榕属植物:垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)、印度橡胶榕(F.elastica)、黄葛榕(F.virens var.sublanceolata)、黄金榕(F.microcarpaGolden Leaves’)、小叶榕(F.microcarpa)、柳叶榕(F.celebensis)、高山榕(F.altissima)、菩提树(F.religiosa)的抗逆性,采集它们的叶片制成玻片,观测叶片解剖构造。9个观测指标包括叶表面上、下角质层厚度,叶上、下表皮细胞厚度,栅栏组织厚度,海绵组织厚度,叶片厚度,叶表皮气孔密度,气孔长度。观测数据采用主成分分析、聚类分析和模糊数学综合评判法进行综合评价。结果前2个主成分贡献率之和为81.384%(>70%),可以代表原始因子所代表的大部分信息,其中以叶片厚度对贡献率的影响最大;聚类分析的结果是橡皮树和黄葛榕单独各成一类,其它6种植物共同组成一类;模糊数学综合评判得到8种植物抗逆性顺序为:橡皮树 > 小叶榕 > 高山榕 > 黄金榕 > 垂叶榕 > 菩提树 > 柳叶榕 > 黄葛榕,这一结果与聚类分析的结果很好地互相吻合。
关键词:  榕属植物  叶片构造  抗逆性  数量分析
Quantitative Analysis on Leaf Anatomical Structures and Their Stress Resistance of Eight Ficus Species
ZHU Li-qiong, WANG Yong, ZHAO Li-jun, LIAO Si-si, LU Shi-guang, ZHONG Meng-ting
(College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
In order to investigate the stress resistance of eight common Ficus species in Southern China, the leaf anatomical structures were analyzed by using statistical method.The observation index included the thickness of upper and lower cuticles, thickness of upper and lower epidermis, thickness of palisade tissues, thickness of spongy tissues, thickness of leaf, stomatal density of epidermis, stomatal length.These index were evaluated by principal component analysis.The result showed that the sum of contribution value of the first two principal components was 81.384%(more than 70%) and could represent the majority information of all original factors.And the maximum contribution rate came from the thickness of leaf.The results of cluster analysis showed that F.elastica was one category, F.virens var.sublanceolata was another category, and the third category was compose of the others species.By using fuzzy cluster analysis method, the stress resistance ability in anatomical structures of eight species was ranked as F.elastica > F.microcarpa > F.altissima > F.microcarpaGolden Leaves’ > F.benjamina > F.religiosa > F.celebensis > F.virens var.sublanceolata, which was consistent with the results obtained from cluster analysis and further verified the reliability.
Key words:  Ficus plant  leaf anatomical structure  stress resistance  quantitative analysis

