  • 李谊纯,董德信,赖俊翔,姜发军,陈波.涠洲岛海域潮流不对称的偏度判别研究[J].广西科学,2014,21(1):73-76.    [点击复制]
  • LI Yi-chun,DONG De-xin,LAI Jun-xiang,JIANG Fa-jun,CHEN Bo.Quantifying Tidal Current Asymmetry in the Weizhou Island Zone Basing on the Skewness Method[J].Guangxi Sciences,2014,21(1):73-76.   [点击复制]
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李谊纯, 董德信, 赖俊翔, 姜发军, 陈波
(广西科学院广西近海海洋环境科学重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
关键词:  涠洲岛  潮流不对称  倍潮  偏度判别法
Quantifying Tidal Current Asymmetry in the Weizhou Island Zone Basing on the Skewness Method
LI Yi-chun, DONG De-xin, LAI Jun-xiang, JIANG Fa-jun, CHEN Bo
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
[Objective] Tidal current asymmetry is one of the fundamental characters and its quantification and application are important topics in the field of tidal dynamics.Measured tidal current of three layers(10m, 20m and 30m)from October 6, 1988 to March 9, 1989 was adopted to analysis the tidal current asymmetry in the Weizhou Island Zone.[Method] The residual current and 35 tidal constituents were obtained by harmonic analysis, then the tidal current asymmetry was computed through the skewness method.[Result] In u direction (W-E) tidal current asymmetry is positive and of almost constant degree though the amplitudes of tidal currents are vertically different.In v direction (N-S) tidal current in 10m-layer and 20m-layer is positive while it is negative in 30m-layer.The degree increased downward.The first contribution is residual current and the interaction between residual current and tidal constituents in each layer and each direction.The contributions of O1/M2/MO3 and K1/M2/MK3 are also unneglectable and their contribution maybe lager than that of O1/K1/M2 in some cases.[Conclusion] The distortion of tidal wave in shallow water is account for the different exhibition between shallow water and deep sea.
Key words:  Weizhou island  tidal current asymmetry  overtide  skewness method

