  • 黄明海,张彪,陈忠彪,何宜军.基于遥感资料和观测数据的重点海域海表盐度评估分析[J].广西科学,2015,22(3):329-336.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Ming-hai,ZHANG Biao,CHEN Zhong-biao,HE Yi-jun.Assessment and Analysis of Sea Surface Salinity in Key Ocean Regions Based on Remote Sensing Dataset and Observation Data[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(3):329-336.   [点击复制]
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黄明海, 张彪, 陈忠彪, 何宜军
(南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院, 江苏省海洋环境探测工程技术研究中心, 江苏南京 210044)
[目的]通过验证Aquarius海表盐度遥感产品数据在不同大洋和波束的反演精度,为其应用提供依据。[方法]基于自沉浮式剖面探测浮标Argo (Array for real-time geostrophic oceanography)盐度观测数据评估Aquarius卫星在重点海域(太平洋、大西洋、印度洋)和不同波束对应的海表盐度产品精度。[结果]相对于波束2和波束3,波束1海表盐度与Argo观测最为接近,偏差和均方根差分别为0.003 psu和0.397 psu。与大西洋和印度洋相比,太平洋反演精度最高。在中纬度地区,盐度偏差较小,约为0.1 psu;在南北纬20°和高纬度区域,盐度偏差较大,约为0.2 psu;低海温和高风速对盐度误差也有重要贡献,低海温对应的弱亮温信号和高风速下的不准确的海面粗糙度模型是导致盐度偏差的主要因素。此外,利用Argo月平均海表盐度观测数据评估了Aquarius卫星海表盐度三级产品,均方根差在0.27~0.34 psu之间,平均值为0.31 psu。在二级和三级产品中,V3.0 SSS_bias_adj的均方根差相比V3.0 SSS均降低约0.04 psu。[结论]与V2.0数据产品相比,V3.0二级产品精度有了的较大提高,三级产品无明显改善,升轨和降轨的偏差依然存在。海表温度校正能够提高盐度反演的精度,使得均方根误差下降0.04 psu。
关键词:  Aquarius卫星  海表面盐度  Argo浮标  准确度评估
Assessment and Analysis of Sea Surface Salinity in Key Ocean Regions Based on Remote Sensing Dataset and Observation Data
HUANG Ming-hai, ZHANG Biao, CHEN Zhong-biao, HE Yi-jun
(Jiangsu Engineering Technology Research Center of Marine Environment Detection, School of Marine Science, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210044, China)
[Objective] Ocean salinity plays key roles in the global hydrological cycle, ocean circulation and in regulating Earth's climate. The accuracy of sea surface salinity retrieved from different oceans and beams was analyzed in order to provide the basis for the application of Aquarius remote sensing products data.[Methods] The data of sea surface salinity products were obtained by Aquarius satellite in key ocean regions (Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean) with different beams, and their quality was evaluated based on Argo observations.[Results] Compared to beam 2 and beam 3, the sea surface salinity retrieved by beam 1 measurements is most close to Argo data.The bias and root mean square error (RMSE) are 0.003 psu and 0.397 psu, respectively.The salinity difference is small in middle latitude regions, and large in low and high latitude areas, which is about 0.1 and 0.2 psu, respectively.Low sea surface temperature and high wind speed have influence on the salinity difference.The weak brightness temperature signal associated with low sea surface temperature and inaccurate ocean surface roughness model at high wind speeds are the key factors to the salinity discrepancy.Sea surface temperature adjustment can improve the accuracy of salinity retrieval, which decreases the RMSE to 0.04 psu.In addition, Argo monthly average data was used to evaluate Aquarius Level 3 product.The RMSE ranges from 0.27 psu to 0.34 psu with mean value of 0.31 psu.[Conclusion] Similar with Level 2 product, sea surface temperature correction can improve the accuracy of salinity retrieval, which decreases the RMSE about 0.04 psu.
Key words:  Aquarius satellite  sea surface salinity  Argo float  accuracy evaluation

