  • 何维.新稀土金属间化合物晶体结构及高温晶格热膨胀性能研究[J].广西科学,2015,22(5):462-466.    [点击复制]
  • HE Wei.Study on the Crystal Structure and the Lattice Thermal Expansion Properties of Some Novel Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(5):462-466.   [点击复制]
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(1. 教育部有色金属材料及其加工新技术重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004;2.
2. 广西大学材料科学与工程学院, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  稀土化合物  X射线衍射  晶格热膨胀  晶体结构
Study on the Crystal Structure and the Lattice Thermal Expansion Properties of Some Novel Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds
HE Wei1,2
(1. Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metal Materials and New Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.
2. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] Researches on new rare earth intermetallic compounds of rare earth-transition metal alloy systems were carried out in order to explore the new potential applications of rare earth alloys and compounds.[Methods] The compositions of the alloy samples and phase components were analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy with the aid of energy dispersive spectroscopy.The crystal structures of some new compounds found in alloy phase diagram studies were determined by powder X-ray diffraction isomorphic method.The coefficients of average lattice thermal expansion and unit cell volume of some selected novel rare earth compounds were obtained by using high temperature X-ray diffraction technique.Analysis on the lattice thermal expansion of some new intermetallic compounds was performed and the properties of high temperature thermal expansion of the new intermetallic compound were summarized.[Results] Different alloying elements can form isostructural intermetallic compounds. The coefficients of the lattice thermal expansion properties were obtained from some novel intermetallic compounds, of which the order of magnitude of the coefficients of average lattice thermal expansion was about 10-6 to 10-5 and that of unit cell volume stood at the same scale.[Conclusion] Alloying elements with similar chemical properties can be substituted with each other to form isostructural intermetallic compounds. The crystal structures of some new compounds can be determined by powder X-ray diffraction isomorphic method, which can be applied to binary, ternary even multi-component new compounds.The lattice thermal expansion coefficients obey the thermal expansion laws of their crystal systems.
Key words:  rare earth compound  X-ray diffraction  lattice thermal expansion  crystal structure

