  • 高英俊,杨瑞琳,王玉玲,邓芊芊,黄创高.空位晶体相场模型模拟二维晶体相形貌图[J].广西科学,2015,22(5):485-491.    [点击复制]
  • GAO Ying-jun,YANG Rui-lin,WANG Yu-ling,DENG Qian-qian,HUANG Chuang-gao.Phase Field Model Simulation of Bumps and Holes Pattern of Two Dimension Crystals[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(5):485-491.   [点击复制]
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高英俊, 杨瑞琳, 王玉玲, 邓芊芊, 黄创高
(广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  空位晶体相场模型  相结构形貌图  计算模拟
Phase Field Model Simulation of Bumps and Holes Pattern of Two Dimension Crystals
GAO Ying-jun, YANG Rui-lin, WANG Yu-ling, DENG Qian-qian, HUANG Chuang-gao
(College of Physics Science and Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] The vacancy morphology of two-dimensional periodic crystal structure was estimated through the vacancy phase field crystal (VPFC) model.[Methods] The free energy function of VPFC model was obtained by modifying simple phase field crystal model.The VPFC model was used to study the different periodic crystal profiles in the two-dimensional phases diagram and explore the condition of vacancy presenting.[Results] Different kinds of the two-dimensional periodic crystal structure patterns were obtained by selecting the average atomic density values in different phases.[Conclusion] Combining topography of crystal structure with atomic density curve reveals that hexagonal bumps, stripes and hexagonal holes are main structures in the crystal sample.When the average atomic density value is located in the phase diagram of the coexistence zone of the local particles and hexagonal bumps phase, vacancy structures appear in the crystal. Moreover, the vacancies are randomly distributed and their number are related to the atomic density values.
Key words:  vacancy phase field crystal  phase structure morphology  computational simulation

