  • 张波,罗浩,湛永钟,叶小云,李思雁,黄鑫.机械合金化-热处理制备V5Si3材料[J].广西科学,2015,22(5):517-520,526.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Bo,LUO Hao,ZHAN Yong-zhong,YE Xiao-yun,LI Si-yan,HUANG Xin.Mechanical Alloying and Heat Treatment of V5Si3 Intermetallic Compound[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(5):517-520,526.   [点击复制]
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张波1,2, 罗浩1, 湛永钟1, 叶小云1, 李思雁1, 黄鑫1
(1.广西大学材料科学与工程学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 广东广州 510641)
[目的]为了获得V/Si类化合物基本结构和性能,拟合成V/Si系金属间化合物V5Si3[方法]采用V粉和Si粉作原料,按照原子比V:Si=5:3进行称量,通过机械合金化与热处理制备V5Si3,再利用XRD,SEM/EDS等方法对球磨粉体试样和热处理试样的物相组成、微观形貌和微区成分进行分析与表征,并测量其抗压性能和硬度。[结果]V/Si粉体经过球磨后颗粒度减小,逐渐非晶化,最终得到以原子比V:Si=5:3结合的非晶态物质;经过热处理,非晶态结构转变为V5Si3晶体。[结论]随着热处理温度的升高,晶体结晶度提高,材料的抗压强度和显微硬度增加,抗压强度达到640 MPa,显微硬度最高为656 MPa。
关键词:  V/Si  机械合金化  热处理  金属间化合物
Mechanical Alloying and Heat Treatment of V5Si3 Intermetallic Compound
ZHANG Bo1,2, LUO Hao1, ZHAN Yong-zhong1, YE Xiao-yun1, LI Si-yan1, HUANG Xin1
(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510641, China)
[Objective] The V/Si intermetallic compound V5Si3 was synthesized in order to get the basic structure and properties of V/Si type compounds.[Methods] Both V and Si powders were used as materials, and their atom ratio was set at 5:3.The V/Si intermetallic compound V5Si3 was produced by mechanical alloying and subsequent heat treatment.Its microstructure and phase constitution were analyzed with SEM/EDX and X-ray techniques.Also, their compressive properties and hardness were measured.[Results] The particles' size reduced after milling and the powder transformed to the amorphous powder gradually.The amorphous substance of V:Si=5:3 was fabricated ultimately.With subsequent heat treatment, the amorphous structure transformed to be crystallographic.[Conclusion] With the increase in treatment temperature, this compound becomes higher crystallinity, compressive strength and microhardness.Its compressive strength was up to 640 MPa and microhardness up to 656 MPa.
Key words:  V/Si  mechanical alloying  heat treatment  intermetallic compound

