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  • YE Li,HU Xuzhi,HUANG Lilin,LU Qianghua,GAO Yingjun.Phase-field-crystal Simulation of Grain Boundary Dislocation Motion Under Tensile Stress[J].Guangxi Sciences,2016,23(5):470-473,484.   [点击复制]
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叶里, 胡绪志, 黄礼琳, 卢强华, 高英俊
(广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西高校新能源材料及相关技术重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  晶体相场  模拟实验  正应力  位错
Phase-field-crystal Simulation of Grain Boundary Dislocation Motion Under Tensile Stress
YE Li, HU Xuzhi, HUANG Lilin, LU Qianghua, GAO Yingjun
(Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Novel Energy Materials and Related Technology, School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] The motion law of the grain boundary dislocation under the action of the tensile strain is analyzed.[Methods] The phase-field-crystal(PFC) method is used to study the dynamic evolution of the dislocation of the tensile stress,and the free energy of the evolution process is analyzed by using the continuous density field.[Results] When tensile stress is applied along the x axis,the dislocation movement trends to up at the left and down at the right.When tensile stress is applied along the y axis,the dislocation movement appears to down at the left and up at the right.Changing the direction of applied tensile stress affects remarkably on dislocation movement and free energy curve.Finally,all of the dislocation move to liquid phase and the simulation area becomes into a complete single crystal.[Conclusion] The tensile strain is applied to cause the dislocation motion,the energy of the system is increased,and the dislocation motion is different under the action of different normal stress.With the interaction between the atoms and the external force field,the physical effect of the tensile strain can be seen.
Key words:  phase-field-crystal  simulation experiment  normal stress  dislocation

