  • 杨小波,刘保昌,何宜军,张彪,刘国强.海表面流场微波遥感研究进展及其关键技术问题分析[J].广西科学,2016,23(6):499-506.    [点击复制]
  • YANG Xiaobo,LIU Baochang,HE Yijun,ZHANG Biao,LIU Guoqiang.Research Progress in Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea-surface Currents and Analysis of the Key Problems[J].Guangxi Sciences,2016,23(6):499-506.   [点击复制]
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杨小波, 刘保昌, 何宜军, 张彪, 刘国强
(南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院, 江苏南京 210044)
海表面流场是海洋学中十分重要的研究对象,本文综述了海表面流场微波遥感所涉及的海表面建模、计算电磁学、合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)海面成像及SAR信号等基础研究领域,梳理了海表面流场微波反演的研究进展,分析了目前已有反演方法的利弊并找出待研究的科学问题,逐一剖析这些问题并提出解决方法。针对海表面流场微波遥感中有待解决的在动态海表面建模中如何引入海表面流场因素、运动海面电磁散射特征的表征中如何选取参数和反演过程中需要注意的图像分辨率等问题,提出了研究策略,指明了海表面流场微波遥感的技术路线和研究方向,最后对海表面流反演工作进行了展望,探讨了高分辨率海流反演的下一步工作。
关键词:  动态海面建模  海表面流反演  多普勒谱  多普勒中心
Research Progress in Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea-surface Currents and Analysis of the Key Problems
YANG Xiaobo, LIU Baochang, HE Yijun, ZHANG Biao, LIU Guoqiang
(School of Marine Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210044, China)
To demonstrate the research direction of the sea surface current remote sensing,an overview on the present progresses of the electromagnetic scattering theory about dynamic sea surface and the sea surface current retrieval is made,and the analyses based on existing methods help to find out the questions,which need to clarify,then to analyze and finally make a determination of solving methodology.Key issues are proposed,such as how to incorporate sea-surface currents into the modeling of the dynamic ocean surface,how to select appropriate parameters to characterize the electromagnetic scattering properties of sea-surface currents,and how to deal with the issue of the image resolution and so on.The research strategy is proposed as follows:Sea surface current remote sensing need the combination of the satellite retrieval results with the electromagnetic scattering theory,and it also need further work on the high resolution retrieval.
Key words:  dynamic ocean surface modeling  sea surface current retrieval  Doppler spectrum  Doppler centriod

