  • 李斌,谭趣孜,李蕾鲜,巫冷蝉,刘成辉,戴培建,范航清.2014年北部湾主要河流污染状况及污染物入海通量[J].广西科学,2018,25(2):172-180.    [点击复制]
  • LI Bin,TAN Quzi,LI Leixian,WU Lengchan,LIU Chenghui,DAI Peijian,FAN Hangqin.The Research on Contaminative Conditions and Pollutants Fluxing into Sea of Major Rivers in Guangxi Beibu Gulf in 2014[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(2):172-180.   [点击复制]
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李斌, 谭趣孜, 李蕾鲜, 巫冷蝉, 刘成辉, 戴培建, 范航清
(广西科学院广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000)
[目的]研究广西北部湾主要河流的污染状况及污染物入海通量,分析主要污染物的来源及其对近岸海域水质的影响,为该流域污染物控制和近岸海洋生态环境保护提供科学依据。[方法]于2014年的丰、枯水期对广西北部湾近岸海域主要河流防城江、茅岭江、钦江、大风江和南流江的污染状况及污染物入海通量进行监测。[结果]影响河流监测断面水质的污染物主要有无机氮、无机磷和化学需氧量。丰水期各河流无机氮基本属四类或劣四类;无机磷除大风江属一类外,其余属劣四类;防城江的化学需氧量属劣四类,钦江属劣二类,其余属劣一类。枯水期各河流无机氮基本属四类或劣四类;无机磷除大风江属一类外,其余基本属四类或劣四类;化学需氧量基本属一类或劣一类。2014年广西北部湾主要河流的污染物入海通量为175 596.02 t,其中化学需氧量的入海通量约占污染物总入海量的59.1%,总氮约占37.8%,总磷约占2.0%,油类约占0.6%,重金属约占0.4%,硫化物约占0.1%。[结论]入海的河流污染物主要有化学需氧量、总氮、总磷和油类,茅岭江的总氮、总磷和化学需氧量主要源于生活污水和畜禽养殖污染源,油类主要源于畜禽养殖污染源;钦江的总氮、总磷主要源于畜禽养殖和种植业污染源,化学需氧量和油类主要源于畜禽养殖污染源;南流江的总氮、总磷、化学需氧量和油类主要源于畜禽养殖污染源。入海的河流污染物中化学需氧量、无机氮、无机磷和油类的污染负荷较高,但影响近岸海域水质的污染物主要是无机氮和无机磷。
关键词:  入海河流  污染状况  入海通量  污染负荷比  北部湾
The Research on Contaminative Conditions and Pollutants Fluxing into Sea of Major Rivers in Guangxi Beibu Gulf in 2014
LI Bin, TAN Quzi, LI Leixian, WU Lengchan, LIU Chenghui, DAI Peijian, FAN Hangqin
(Guangxi Key Lab of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
[Objective] In order to provide the scientific basis for the control of pollutants in these rivers and coastal eco-environment conservation, the contaminative conditions of major rivers in Guangxi Beibu Gulf and the fluxes of pollutants into the sea were studied and the pollution source of main pollutants and its influence on the quality of coastal water were analyzed.[Methods] During the wet and dry seasons of 2014, the pollution of the main rivers of the Guangxi Beibu Gulf, such as Fangchengjiang River, Maoling River, Qinjiang River, Dafengjiang River, and Nanliujiang River, and the flux of pollutants into the sea were monitored.[Results] The results showed that the main pollutants of affecting the water quality of river monitoring sections were dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).During the wet season, the average content of DIN in each river reached/exceeded the standard values of fourth national seawater quality (Ⅳ seawater).And the average content of DIP in each river were worse than Ⅳ seawater except Dafengjiang River.Meanwhile, the average content of COD in Fangchengjiang River were worse than the Ⅳ seawater, and Qinjiang River were worse than the Ⅱ seawater, the others were worse than the Ⅰ seawater.During the dry season, the average content of DIN in each river reached/exceeded the Ⅳ seawater.And the average content of DIP in each river reached/exceeded the Ⅳ seawater except Dafengjiang River.Meanwhile, the average content of COD in each River reached/exceeded the Ⅰ seawater.The quantity of pollutants fluxing into Guangxi Beibu Gulf from major rivers was 175 596.02 t in 2014, the percentage of COD in which was 59.1%, and total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), oil, heavy metals and sulfide were 37.8%, 2.0%, 0.6%, 0.4% and 0.1% separately.[Conclusion] The main pollutants fluxing into sea were COD, TN, TP and oil.The TN、TP and COD in Maoling River mainly derived from domestic sewage and stock farming, and the oil derived from stock farming.The TN and TP in Qinjiang River mainly derived from stock farming and crop farming, and the COD and oil derived from stock farming.The TN, TP, COD and oil in Nanliujiang River mainly derived from stock farming.Pollutants source of Fangchengjiang River and Dafengjiang River should be surveyed as soon as possible.The pollution loads of COD, DIN, DIP and oil were large, but only DIN and DIP affected the quality of the coastal water.
Key words:  major rivers  contaminative conditions  the quality of pollutant fluxing into sea  pollution loading ratio  Beibu Gulf

