  • 张陶,蒲俊兵,李建鸿,吴飞红,袁道先.漓江干流水体主要离子化学变化特征及影响因素[J].广西科学,2018,25(5):532-543.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Tao,PU Junbing,LI Jianhong,WU Feihong,YUAN Daoxian.Chemical Characteristics Changes of Major Ion and Its Influencing Factors in the Main Stream of Lijiang River[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(5):532-543.   [点击复制]
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张陶, 蒲俊兵, 李建鸿, 吴飞红, 袁道先
(中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所, 自然资源部/广西壮族自治区岩溶动力学重点实验室, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  漓江  水化学  离子  碳酸盐岩风化  变化
Chemical Characteristics Changes of Major Ion and Its Influencing Factors in the Main Stream of Lijiang River
ZHANG Tao, PU Junbing, LI Jianhong, WU Feihong, YUAN Daoxian
(Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, MNR & Guangxi, Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
[Objective] To provide basic data and scientific support for protecting the water environment of the Lijiang River basin and revealing the weathering process of the regional carbonate rock.[Methods] The characteristics of ion chemical changes and their controlling factors were studied by collecting water samples from typical sections of the Lijiang River in the hydrological year and performing hydrochemistry analysis.[Results] The hydrochemistry types of two sections in the Lijiang River were all Ca-HCO3 type,and the main ionic components of the river were controlled by water-rock interaction. In comparison of the two sections,the upstream Damianxu(DM) section was affected by partial rainfall input,and the downstream Puyi(PY) section was affected by more intense weathering of carbonate rocks. The HCO3- and Ca2+ ion concentrations in the two sections of the Minjiang River were affected by the increase of rainfall and flow in the rainy season,which made the two ions in rainy season less than that in the dry season. But due to the influence of agricultural activities and urban sewage,the SO42-、NO3- and Cl- ions in the rainy season in the Lijiang River was larger than that in the dry season. In addition,due to the influence of human activities,weathering of carbonate rocks in the Lijiang River was affected by exogenous acids,which might in turn affect the karst weathering carbon sinks evaluation.[Conclusion] The variation characteristics of the dominant ions (HCO3- and Ca2+) in the typical section of the Lijiang River are mainly controlled by the geological conditions,and the intensity of the karstification shows significant spatial differences; SO42-、NO3- and Cl- ions are influenced by different human activities,showing significant seasonal and spatial changes.
Key words:  Lijiang River  hydrochemistry  ion  carbonate rocks weathering  variation

