  • 欧阳义芳,刘珂,曹宇,陈红梅,陶小马.Al-Cu二元系在540℃时的扩散行为研究[J].广西科学,2018,25(6):654-657,662.    [点击复制]
  • OUYANG Yifang,LIU Ke,CAO Yu,CHEN Hongmei,TAO Xiaoma.Study on Diffusion Behavior of Al-Cu Binary System at 540℃[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(6):654-657,662.   [点击复制]
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欧阳义芳, 刘珂, 曹宇, 陈红梅, 陶小马
(广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004)
[目的] 研究Al-Cu二元系在540℃的扩散行为,为Al-Cu双金属复合结构实用化提供参考依据。[方法] 利用电子探针显微分析仪(EPMA)对不同退火温度下二元扩散偶的形貌和成分进行分析研究。[结果] 将Al-Cu二元扩散偶在540℃的真空退火炉中分别退火36 h、48 h和60 h后,在扩散区可以观察到4种金属间化合物(IMCs)θ(Al2Cu)、η2(Al0.939Cu0.987)、ζ2(Al9Cu11.5)和γ1(Al4Cu9)。中间化合物扩散层的厚度与时间的平方根呈现线性关系,符合抛物线生长规律。同时,为了进一步研究Al-Cu之间的扩散行为,对互扩散系数进行计算,并对该方法做详细的介绍。[结论] 随着温度的升高,金属间化合物的生长常数和互扩散系数也随之增加,其中Al4Cu9的生长常数和扩散系数在4个IMCs最大。金属间化合物的生长主要受到体扩散的控制。
关键词:  扩散偶  生长常数  互扩散系数  中间化合物
Study on Diffusion Behavior of Al-Cu Binary System at 540℃
OUYANG Yifang, LIU Ke, CAO Yu, CHEN Hongmei, TAO Xiaoma
(College of Physics Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] The diffusion behavior of Al-Cu binary system at 540℃ was studied to provide a reference for the practical application of Al-Cu bimetallic composite structure.[Methods] The morphology and composition of binary diffusion couples at different annealing temperatures were analyzed and studied by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA).[Results] After the Al-Cu binary diffusion couple was annealed in a vacuum annealing furnace at 540℃ for 36 h,48 h and 60 h,respectively,four inter-metallic compounds(IMCs)θ(Al2Cu)、η2(Al0.939Cu0.987)、ζ2(Al9Cu11.5) and γ1(Al4Cu9) had been observed in the diffusion region. The thickness of the IMCs diffusion layer had a linear relationship with the square root of time, which was consistent with the parabolic growth law. At the same time, in order to further study the diffusion behavior between Al-Cu,we calculated the inter-diffusion coefficient and introduced the method in detail.[Conclusion] With the increase of temperature, the growth constant and inter-diffusion coefficient of inter-metallic compounds also increased. The growth constant and diffusion coefficient of Al4Cu9 were the largest among the four IMCs.The growth of IMCs was primarily controlled by bulk diffusion.
Key words:  diffusion couple  growth constant  inter-diffusion coefficient  intermediate compounds

