  • 李海娟,徐玲玲.多倍体细菌与古细菌的生存及生长优势[J].广西科学,2018,25(6):663-668.    [点击复制]
  • LI Haijuan,XU Lingling.The Survival and Growth Advantages of Polyploid Bacteria and Archaea[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(6):663-668.   [点击复制]
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李海娟, 徐玲玲
(西安文理学院, 生物与环境工程学院, 植物与微生物协同研究实验室, 陕西西安 710065)
近年来,诸多的细菌和古细菌被鉴定为寡倍体或多倍体,即一个细胞含有多条染色体(寡倍体,2~9个拷贝;多倍体,≥ 10个拷贝)。与单倍性相比,多倍性最显著的特性是赋予原核生物高效的双链DNA断裂修复系统、极低的自发突变率以及在极端环境下生存的能力。多倍体原核生物可以不需要严格调控其基因组DNA的子细胞分离及细胞分裂过程,还有可能通过调节复制单位的拷贝数总体性地控制基因表达水平。另外,多倍体原核生物的基因组DNA很有可能为其自身细胞生长提供能源。本文分别从遗传学与非遗传学角度讨论了多倍体细菌和古细菌生存及生长的6项优势,以期为开展多倍体原核生物的生理机制及应用研究提供参考。
关键词:  细菌  古细菌  多倍体
The Survival and Growth Advantages of Polyploid Bacteria and Archaea
LI Haijuan, XU Lingling
(Plant and Microbe Collaboration Research Lab, College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Xi'an University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710065, China)
In recent years, a great number of bacteria and archaea have been identified as oligoploids or polyploids, that is, a cell contains multiple copies of chromosome (oligoploidy,2-9 copies; polyploidy, ≥ 10 copies).In comparison with monoploidy, the most prominent properties of polyploidy are that they confer prokaryotes highly efficient repair systems for double-stranded DNA break, extremely low spontaneous mutation rate, and the ability to survive under extreme environment. Polyploid prokaryotes may not require strict regulation of daughter cell isolation and cell division processes of their genomic DNA, and may also generally control gene expression levels by regulating copy numbers of the replication unit. In addition, the genomic DNA of the polyploid prokaryotes may probably provide energy for their own cell growth. In this paper, six advantages of the survival and growth of polyploid bacteria and archaea were discussed from the perspective of genetics and non-genetics, aiming to provide reference for the physiological mechanism and application of polyploid prokaryotes.
Key words:  bacteria  archaea  polyploid

