  • 牛亚兰,赵明.基于记忆效应的空间公共物品博弈[J].广西科学,2018,25(6):715-720.    [点击复制]
  • NIU Yalan,ZHAO Ming.Base on Memory Effect of Spatial Public Goods Game[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(6):715-720.   [点击复制]
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牛亚兰1, 赵明2
(1.广西科技师范学院音乐与舞蹈学院, 广西来宾 546100;2.广西师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 广西桂林 541004)
[目的] 空间公共物品博弈是可重复的,投资者在交易过程中存在学习与模仿现象,参与者学习对方策略时首先考查其随时间累积的历史收益情况。由于记忆的有限性,他们只能记忆离现在最近有限时步内的收益情况,并不断更新记忆库。[方法] 通过计算机模拟,发现记忆效应可以促进合作行为的出现。[结果] 当收益累积长度达到一定值时,系统的合作水平维持在某一稳定水平。[结论] 本研究结果对金融系统中投资者的投资行为有积极的指导意义,可以解决现实社会中投资者的盲从性。
关键词:  公共物品博弈  记忆效应  合作团簇
Base on Memory Effect of Spatial Public Goods Game
NIU Yalan1, ZHAO Ming2
(1.College of Music and Dance, Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University, Laibin, Guangxi, 546100, China;2.College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
[Objective] The game of space public goods which can repeatable will be researched. The phenomenon of learning and imitating will exist in the course of trading among the investors. When participants learn the other's strategy, they first examine the historical benefit they have accumulated over time. Due to the limitation of memory, they can only memorize the benefits of the finite time step recently, and constantly update the bank of memory.[Methods] Using the computer simulation, it is found that the memory effect can promote the emergence of cooperative behavior.[Results] When the length of cumulative benefit reaches a certain value, the level of cooperation of the system will be maintained at a certain stable level.[Conclusion] The result of our research have active guiding significance for the investment behavior of investors in the financial system, which can solve the blindness of investors in the real society.
Key words:  public goods game  memory effect  clusters of cooperators

