  • 黄国任,黄金辉,杨通晗,王涛,何维.MnBi1-xCrx(x=0.04,0.08,0.12,0.16)合金的晶体结构与磁性能[J].广西科学,2019,26(4):378-384.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Guoren,HUANG Jinhui,YANG Tonghan,WANG Tao,HE Wei.Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of MnBi1-xCrx(x=0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16)[J].Guangxi Sciences,2019,26(4):378-384.   [点击复制]
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黄国任, 黄金辉, 杨通晗, 王涛, 何维
(广西大学资源环境与材料学院, 广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
本研究采用真空电弧熔炼法制备了MnBi1-xCrxx=0.04,0.08,0.12,0.16)系列合金,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、Rietveld全谱拟合和振动样品磁强计(VSM)研究和测定MnBi1-xCrx系列合金样品的晶体结构和磁性能。结果发现,退火后的样品主相是低温相(LTP)MnBi(空间群:P63/mmc(194))。Rietveld全谱拟合分析确定每个样品中各相的含量并解析出主相MnBi1-xCrx的晶体结构。M(M=Bi,Cr)原子之间的原子间距dM-M随着掺杂量增大而增大。M原子与Mn原子的间距dM-Mn随着掺杂量增大而减小。在400 K时趋于饱和,且在掺杂量小于x=0.12时,饱和磁化强度随着掺杂量的增加而增大,在掺杂量大于x=0.12时,饱和磁化强度已经达到饱和,为20.55 emμ/g,且不随掺杂含量的变化而变化。随着Cr含量的增加,矫顽力亦逐渐增加,并且在掺杂量为x=0.12时达到最大值。随着测试温度的上升,合金矫顽力均呈上升趋势。MnBi1-xCrxx=0.04,0.08,0.12,0.16)的德拜温度分别为378.46 K,369.52 K,354.62 K和351.64 K。
关键词:  MnBi掺杂  Rietveld全谱拟合  晶体结构  磁性能
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of MnBi1-xCrx(x=0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16)
HUANG Guoren, HUANG Jinhui, YANG Tonghan, WANG Tao, HE Wei
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Processing for Non-ferrous Metallic and Featured Materials, School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
MnBi1-xCrx(x=0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16) series alloys were prepared by vacuum arc melting method. The crystal structure and magnetic properties of the series alloy samples were investigated and determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld full-spectrum fitting and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The results show that main phase of the annealed sample is a low temperature phase (LTP) MnBi (space group:P63/mmc(194)). Rietveld method is used to determine the content of each phase in each sample and to analyze the crystal structure of the main phase MnBi1-xCrx.The atomic distance dM-M between M (M=Bi, Cr) atoms increases with the increase of doping amount. The M atom and Mn atom distance dM-Mn decreases with the increase of doping amount. At 400 K, it tends to be saturated, and when the doping amount is less than x=0.12, the saturation magnetization increases with the increase of doping amount. When the doping amount is greater than x=0.12, the saturation magnetization has reached saturation, which is 20.55 emμ/g, and does not vary with the change in doping content. As the test temperature increases, the coercivity of the alloy increases. The Debye temperatures of MnBi1-xCrx(x=0.04, 0.08, 0.12,0.16) are 378.46 K,369.52 K,354.62 K and 351.64 K, respectively.
Key words:  MnBi doping  Rietveld  crystal structure  magnetic properties

