  • 朱冬琳,陈波,牙韩争,董德信.广西近海污染物输运模拟研究[J].广西科学,2019,26(6):669-675.    [点击复制]
  • ZHU Donglin,CHEN Bo,YA Hanzheng,DONG Dexin.Study on Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Transport in Guangxi Coastal Waters[J].Guangxi Sciences,2019,26(6):669-675.   [点击复制]
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朱冬琳, 陈波, 牙韩争, 董德信
(广西科学院, 广西北部湾海洋研究中心, 广西近海海洋环境科学重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
近年来广西近海海域赤潮现象越发频繁,对近海生态环境和海洋渔业产生的负面影响不容忽视。探索赤潮发生的机制,研究其形成机理,是有效监控赤潮和准确预测赤潮的关键。本文利用Finite Volume Coast and Ocean Model(FVCOM)模式构建广西近海水动力模型,使用步长为30 m的细网格计算广西沿海及涠洲岛附近环流,同时利用物质输运模型计算广西近海化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD)的输运扩散情况。涠洲岛周围海域平均潮差约为2.4 m,最大潮差为4.8 m;平均涨潮时为13.1 h,平均落潮时为8.8 h;涨潮时最大流速为1.02 m/s,涨落潮交替时涠洲岛附近流场相当复杂,岛屿周边常常形成众多小型涡旋。污染物试验结果表明,近海河口排放COD对涠洲岛等离陆地较远的海域影响不大,而来自外海开边界的COD浓度对其作用更为明显;高浓度COD经常在涠洲岛南湾中滞留,COD等值线在涠洲岛处向南弯曲,导致涠洲岛西侧COD浓度比东侧高,而南湾和涠洲岛西北侧正是赤潮频发的地方。上述结果从动力方面表明,涠洲岛附近海域多发性的赤潮和水体富营养化与外海海水输送关系更加密切。
关键词:  广西近海  涠洲岛  COD  物质输运  赤潮
Study on Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Transport in Guangxi Coastal Waters
ZHU Donglin, CHEN Bo, YA Hanzheng, DONG Dexin
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Guangxi Beibu Gulf Marine Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
In recent years, the red tide phenomenon in the coastal waters of Guangxi has become more frequent, and the negative impact on the coastal ecological environment and marine fisheries cannot be ignored. Research into the mechanism of red tide occurrence and formation are the keys to effectively monitoring and accurately predicting the incident of red tide. In this paper, the FVCOM (Finite Volume Coast and Ocean Model) model was used to construct a dynamic model. A fine grid with a step length of 30 m was used to calculate the circulation around the coast of Guangxi and Weizhou Island. At the same time, a chemical transport model was used to calculate the transport and diffusion of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in Guangxi coastal waters. The average tidal range was about 2.4 m, with the maximum tidal range of 4.8 m.The average duration of rise and fall was 13.1 h and 8.8 h, respectively. The maximum speed during flood tide was 1.02 m/s. The current field around Weizhou Island was quite complicated during the transition period between flood and ebb tide, with the formation of small-size vortexes distributed around the island. Pollutant test results show that COD emissions from coastal estuaries have little effect on waters far away from the land, such as Weizhou Island, while the effect of COD concentration from the open sea boundary is more obvious. The high concentrations of COD are often stacked in the south bay of Weizhou Island, the contour lines of COD curve southward at Weizhou Island, resulting in a higher COD concentration on the west side than on the east side. The red tide incidents occur frequently in the south bay and the northwest side of Weizhou Island. The above results indicate from the dynamic side that the frequent occurrence of red tide and water eutrophication in the waters near Weizhou Island are more closely related to offshore seawater transport.
Key words:  Guangxi coastal waters  Weizhou Island  COD  transport  red tide

