  • 杨正清,刘振宇,李双伟,卢佐.雷州半岛东部近岸海域潮流特征分析[J].广西科学,2019,26(6):690-697.    [点击复制]
  • YANG Zhengqing,LIU Zhenyu,LI Shuangwei,LU Zuo.Analysis of Tidal Current Characteristics in the East Coastal Area of Leizhou Peninsula[J].Guangxi Sciences,2019,26(6):690-697.   [点击复制]
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杨正清, 刘振宇, 李双伟, 卢佐
(天津水运工程勘察设计院, 天津市水运工程测绘技术重点实验室, 天津 300456)
为进一步研究雷州半岛东部近岸海域的潮流分布规律,采用准调和分析的方法,对2012年8-9月雷州半岛东部海域海洋观测获取的潮流数据进行分析,探讨该海域的潮流性质、实测潮流统计特征、潮流运动形式、最大可能潮流流速和余流的分布特征。研究结果表明:雷州半岛东部海域为不规则全日潮流,涨潮段流速大于落潮段流速,最大流速基本都出现在表层。近岸浅水测站涨、落潮流平均流向基本沿海岸线方向,呈往复流,深水测站基本呈旋转流,区域性变化显著。潮流的可能最大流速出现在C9测站的表层,余流主要受风况、地形因素影响,强度较小,一般在10 cm/s以下。本研究结果可为雷州半岛东部海域的数值模型验证和工程应用研究提供重要参考。
关键词:  雷州半岛  海洋观测  潮流  调和分析  余流
Analysis of Tidal Current Characteristics in the East Coastal Area of Leizhou Peninsula
YANG Zhengqing, LIU Zhenyu, LI Shuangwei, LU Zuo
(Tianjin Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping for Waterway Transport Engineering, Tianjin Survey and Design Institute for Water Transport Engineering, Tianjin, 300456, China)
In order to further study the distribution law of tidal current in the east coastal area of Leizhou Peninsula, the quasi harmonic analysis method is used to analyze the tidal current data obtained from the ocean observation in the east coastal area of Leizhou Peninsula from August to September 2012, and the characteristics of tidal current nature, measured statistical characteristics of tidal current, form of tidal current movement, maximum possible tidal current velocity and residual current distribution in this area are explored. The results show that the eastern sea area of Leizhou Peninsula is an irregular full-day tide, velocity during the rising tide is higher than that during the falling tide, and the maximum velocity basically appears in the surface. The average current direction of the rising and falling tide in the near shore shallow water station is basically along the coastline, showing reciprocating flow, while that in the deep water station is basically rotating flow, with significant regional changes. The possible maximum velocity of tidal current appears in the surface layer of C9 station, and the residual current is mainly affected by wind condition and terrain factors, and the intensity is small, generally below 10 cm/s. The results of this study can provide an important reference for the verification of numerical model and the application research of engineering in the eastern waters of Leizhou Peninsula.
Key words:  Leizhou Peninsula  ocean observation  trend  harmonic analysis  residual current

