  • 修美玲.彩叶类凤梨半致死温度测定及其对温度的适应性评价[J].广西科学,2020,27(1):76-83.    [点击复制]
  • XIU Meiling.Determination of the Semi-lethal Temperature for Color-leaf Type Bromeliaceae and Their Adaptability to Temperature[J].Guangxi Sciences,2020,27(1):76-83.   [点击复制]
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(上海植物园, 上海 200231)
关键词:  彩叶类凤梨  半致死温度  栽培管理  推广应用  温度适应性
Determination of the Semi-lethal Temperature for Color-leaf Type Bromeliaceae and Their Adaptability to Temperature
XIU Meiling
(Shanghai Botanical Garden, Shanghai, 200231, China)
Color-leaf type of Bromeliaceae are mostly native to tropical regions.In this research,a series of temperature gradients were set up to understand the adaptability of different kinds of color-leaf type Bromeliaceae under different temperature conditions.Based on the temperature changes in Shanghai during the winter and summer seasons,eight high-temperature gradients (from 35℃ to 70℃ with intervals of 5℃) and seven low-temperature gradients (from -25℃ to 5℃ with intervals of 5℃) were set respectively to study the variation of the electrolyte leakage of the leaves from 15 kinds of color-leaf type Bromeliaceae.The Logistic equation was used to calculate the high and low semi-lethal temperature (LT50).The result showed that electrolyte leaching rate and treatment temperature of the 15 different kinds of color-leaf type Bromeliaceae showed S-shaped curve regression,and the goodness-of-fit was higher.The Aechmea has the characteristics of higher high semi-lethal temperature and lower low semi-lethal temperature, and their temperature range are wide.The semi-lethal temperature method can be used to identify the resistance of different Bromeliaceae varieties.The results of this study can provide a theoretical basis for the selection and promotion of cold-resistant and heat-resistant color-leaf type Bromeliaceae.
Key words:  color-leaf type of Bromeliaceae  semi-lethal temperature  cultivation management  promotion and application  temperature adaptability

