  • 石桃雄,赵佳利,田桃,陈庆富,邓娇.苦荞CCT基因家族生物信息学及表达分析[J].广西科学,2021,28(3):301-309.    [点击复制]
  • SHI Taoxiong,ZHAO Jiali,TIAN Tao,CHEN Qingfu,DENG Jiao.Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis of CCT Gene Family in Fagopyrum tataricum[J].Guangxi Sciences,2021,28(3):301-309.   [点击复制]
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石桃雄, 赵佳利, 田桃, 陈庆富, 邓娇
(贵州师范大学荞麦产业技术研究中心, 贵州贵阳 550001)
关键词:  苦荞  开花  FtCCT  系统进化  表达分析
Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis of CCT Gene Family in Fagopyrum tataricum
SHI Taoxiong, ZHAO Jiali, TIAN Tao, CHEN Qingfu, DENG Jiao
(Research Center of Buckwheat Industry Technology, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550001, China)
CCT transcription factor plays an important role in the regulation of plant flowering, growth and development, as well as resistance to abiotic stress. The CCT gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana was used as the reference sequence in this study. The FtCCT gene family members of Fagopyrum tataricum were screened out by bioinformatics tools, including local BLAST and conserved domains. The physicochemical properties, chromosome distribution, gene structure, phylogenetic evolution and expression level were analyzed. The results showed that a total of 35 FtCCT genes were identified in F. tataricum where the introns ranged from 1 to 8. The encoded protein had 117-753 amino acid residues with isoelectric points of 4.96-9.51, all of which were hydrophilic proteins. Chromosomal mapping analysis showed that these genes were distributed on all 8 chromosomes. The FtCCT gene family contains 10 conserved motifs and 5 conserved domains, and all of them contained CCT conserved domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CCT gene family of F. tataricum could be divided into three subfamilies like A. thaliana, among which the CMF subfamily had the most members. The expression levels of 35 FtCCT genes in roots, stems, leaves and flowers of F. tataricum were different. There were more members with high expression levels in leaves and flowers, and only a few members were highly expressed in roots and stems. This study lays a foundation for further analysis of CCT gene regulation in flowering period and growth of F. tataricum.
Key words:  Fagopyrum tataricum  flowering  FtCCT  phylogenetics  expression analysis

