  • 沈佳杰,向望,沈敏虎,武博淳,赵泽宇,张凯.纠删码存储系统中数据修复性能优化研究进展与展望[J].广西科学,2023,30(1):149-168.    [点击复制]
  • SHEN Jiajie,XIANG Wang,SHEN Minhu,WU Bochun,ZHAO Zeyu,ZHANG Kai.Research Progress and Prospect on Performance Optimization of Data Recovery for Erasure-Coded Storage Systems[J].Guangxi Sciences,2023,30(1):149-168.   [点击复制]
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沈佳杰, 向望, 沈敏虎, 武博淳, 赵泽宇, 张凯
(复旦大学, 校园信息化办公室, 上海 200433)
关键词:  分布式存储系统|纠删码存储系统|数据修复操作|数据可靠性|性能优化
Research Progress and Prospect on Performance Optimization of Data Recovery for Erasure-Coded Storage Systems
SHEN Jiajie, XIANG Wang, SHEN Minhu, WU Bochun, ZHAO Zeyu, ZHANG Kai
(Informatization Office, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China)
Erasure codes are widely used in distributed storage systems to store user data for online applications.When some storage nodes fail,the erasure-coded storage systems need to replace the original failed nodes with new storage nodes and recover the failed user data.Since the erasure-coded storage systems need to perform the data encoding,transmission and read-write operations,erasure code storage systems usually take a long time to perform data repair operations,and the stored user data will be unreliable for a long time.In order to ensure the reliability of stored data,researchers have proposed a variety of data recovery performance optimization schemes to reduce data repair time.The problem of data recovery performance optimization were introduced,the main performance bottlenecks and performance optimization difficulties in various application scenarios were analyzed,the main technical implementation schemes and research work to improve the data recovery performance were summarized,the future development direction of the data recovery performance optimization research field was prospected,which provided ideas for the designers of erasure-coded storage system to accurately select the data recovery performance optimization scheme suitable for specific application scenarios.
Key words:  distributed storage systems|erasure-coded storage systems|data recovery operation|data reliability|performance optimization

