  • 张婷,孙德娇,王彩衣,黄鑫,陈少强,黎飞望,杨齐.甘蔗渣制备低聚木糖的工艺优化[J].广西科学,2023,30(4):727-734.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Ting,SUN Dejiao,WANG Caiyi,HUANG Xin,CHEN Shaoqiang,LI Feiwang,YANG Qi.Process Optimization of Producing Xylooligosaccharide from Sugarcane Bagasse[J].Guangxi Sciences,2023,30(4):727-734.   [点击复制]
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张婷1, 孙德娇1, 王彩衣1, 黄鑫1, 陈少强1, 黎飞望1, 杨齐2
(1.南宁学院食品与质量工程学院, 广西南宁 530200;2.广西多得乐生物科技有限公司, 广西南宁 530028)
甘蔗渣是一种常见的农业废弃物,对甘蔗渣制备低聚木糖的工艺进行优化,可为其高值化利用提供理论依据。本研究以甘蔗渣为原料,采用低浓度碱脱木质素-低强度酸水解-木聚糖酶酶解的工艺来制备低聚木糖,分别研究了碱处理浓度、碱处理温度和碱处理时间对木质素脱除率、木聚糖保留率的影响以及酸处理浓度、酸处理温度、酸处理时间对低聚木糖和木糖产率的影响,最后通过单因素试验结合响应面法对木聚糖酶酶解工艺进行优化。结果表明,低浓度碱脱木质素的处理参数为KOH溶液浓度0.3 mol/L、碱处理温度110 ℃和碱处理时间1.5 h,在此条件下木质素脱除率和木聚糖保留率分别达到57.8%和87.4%;低强度酸水解的处理参数为H2SO4溶液浓度0.1 mol/L、酸处理温度80 ℃和酸处理时间1 h,在此条件下的最优酶解工艺为酶用量22 U/g碱处理甘蔗渣(Alkali treated Sugarcane Bagasse,ASB)、酶解温度40.5 ℃、酶解时间4.3 h,得到的低聚木糖产量为12.66 g/L。本研究为甘蔗渣的高值化利用以及更好地制备低聚木糖提供了新思路和理论依据。
关键词:  甘蔗渣  低聚木糖  碱处理  酸处理  酶解  响应面法
Process Optimization of Producing Xylooligosaccharide from Sugarcane Bagasse
ZHANG Ting1, SUN Dejiao1, WANG Caiyi1, HUANG Xin1, CHEN Shaoqiang1, LI Feiwang1, YANG Qi2
(1.College of Food and Quality Engineering, Nanning University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530200, China;2.Guangxi Duodele Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Nanning, Guangxi, 530028, China)
Sugarcane bagasse is a common agricultural waste.Optimizing the process of preparing xylooligosaccharides from sugarcane bagasse can provide a theoretical basis for its high-value utilization.In this study,sugarcane bagasse was used as raw material to prepare xylooligosaccharides by low concentration alkali delignification-low intensity acid hydrolysis-xylanase enzymatic hydrolysis.The effects of alkali treatment concentration,alkali treatment temperature and alkali treatment time on lignin removal rate and xylan retention rate were studied.The effects of acid treatment concentration,acid treatment temperature and acid treatment time on the yield of xylooligosaccharides and xylose were studied.Finally,the xylanase enzymatic hydrolysis process was optimized by single factor test combined with response surface method.The results showed that the treatment parameters of low concentration alkali delignification were KOH solution concentration of 0.3 mol/L,alkali treatment temperature of 110 ℃ and alkali treatment time of 1.5 h.Under these conditions,the lignin removal rate and xylan retention rate reached 57.8% and 87.4%,respectively.The treatment parameters of low-intensity acid hydrolysis were H2SO4 solution concentration 0.1 mol/L,acid treatment temperature 80 ℃ and acid treatment time 1 h.The optimal enzymatic process under these conditions was:enzyme dosage of 22 U/g Alkali treated Sugarcane Bagasse (ASB),enzymatic temperature of 40.5 ℃,and enzymatic time of 4.3 h.The yield of xylooligosaccharides was 12.66 g/L.This study provides a new idea and theoretical basis for the high-value utilization of sugarcane bagasse and the better preparation of xylooligosaccharides.
Key words:  sugarcane bagasse  xylooligosaccharide  alkali treatment  acid treatment  enzymolysis  response surface methodology

