  • 方志杰,宋昌辉,李博,刘美玲,林时锴,林雄三,莫曼.钠基蒙脱土对水分子吸附机理的第一性原理计算[J].广西科学,2023,30(4):787-793.    [点击复制]
  • FANG Zhijie,SONG Changhui,LI Bo,LIU Meiling,LIN Shikai,LIN Xiongsan,MO Man.First-principles Calculation of the Adsorption Mechanism of Na-montmorillonite for Water Molecules[J].Guangxi Sciences,2023,30(4):787-793.   [点击复制]
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方志杰1, 宋昌辉2, 李博2, 刘美玲2, 林时锴3, 林雄三3, 莫曼1
(1.广西科技大学电子工程学院, 广西柳州 545006;2.广西科技大学土木建筑工程学院, 广西柳州 545006;3.田东昊润新材料科技有限公司, 广西百色 533000)
关键词:  钠基蒙脱土  第一性原理  水分子  吸附  力学性质
First-principles Calculation of the Adsorption Mechanism of Na-montmorillonite for Water Molecules
FANG Zhijie1, SONG Changhui2, LI Bo2, LIU Meiling2, LIN Shikai3, LIN Xiongsan3, MO Man1
(1.School of Electronics and Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545006, China;2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545006, China;3.Tiandong Haorun New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Baise, Guangxi, 533000, China)
The main cause of soft rock swelling in deep roadways is the water absorbing swelling of Na-montmorillonite.In order to solve the engineering safety problems caused by the water absorbing swelling of Na-montmorillonite,based on the first principle of quantum mechanics,this article used VASP software to calculate and simulate the mechanism of water molecule adsorption by sodium montmorillonite,and studied the relationship between adsorption energy,elastic constant and adsorption capacity.The calculation results show that after the adsorption of water molecules between the Na-montmorillonite layers,the volume mainly expands along the c-axis direction,and the adsorption energy of the system has a linear positive correlation with the water absorption.With the increase of the adsorption amount of water molecules in the Na-montmorillonite interlayer,the elastic constants C11,C22 and C33 are greater than other elastic constants,and C33 is significantly greater than C11 and C22.In addition,the bulk modulus B,shear modulus G and Young's modulus E of Na-montmorillonite decreased with the increase of water absorption.The calculation results provide theoretical guidance for solving the engineering safety problems related to Na-montmorillonite.
Key words:  Na-montmorillonite  first-principle  water molecule  adsorption  mechanical properties

