  • 欧克纬,农泽梅,卢业飞,吕平,庞新华,程琴,周全光,宋奇琦,朱鹏锦.基于灰色关联度及TOPSIS法的甘蔗综合性状评价[J].广西科学,2023,30(4):804-812.    [点击复制]
  • OU Kewei,NONG Zemei,LU Yefei,Lü Ping,PANG Xinhua,CHENG Qin,ZHOU Quanguang,SONG Qiqi,ZHU Pengjin.Evaluation of Sugarcane Based on Comprehensive Characters Using Grey Correlation Degree and TOPSIS Method[J].Guangxi Sciences,2023,30(4):804-812.   [点击复制]
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欧克纬, 农泽梅, 卢业飞, 吕平, 庞新华, 程琴, 周全光, 宋奇琦, 朱鹏锦
(广西壮族自治区亚热带作物研究所, 广西南宁 530001)
为选育高产、高糖、抗逆性强且适应广西蔗区种植的甘蔗(Soccharum officinarum)优良新品种,以甘蔗新品种(系)桂热1号(GR1)和桂热2号(GR2)为试验材料,以新台糖22号(ROC22)为对照,进行多年多点的跟踪种植试验,所得结果运用灰色关联度及TOPSIS法进行分析。灰色关联度分析结果表明,影响产糖量的因素依次为蔗茎产量>有效茎>株高>分蘖率>蔗糖分>茎径。对3个品种甘蔗的TOPSIS综合评价高低排序为GR2>GR1>ROC22。GR2的蔗茎产量最高、有效茎条数多、综合评价最优,是优良的甘蔗品种,适宜进一步推广种植。
关键词:  甘蔗品种(系)  田间试验  灰色关联度  TOPSIS法  综合评价
Evaluation of Sugarcane Based on Comprehensive Characters Using Grey Correlation Degree and TOPSIS Method
OU Kewei, NONG Zemei, LU Yefei, Lü Ping, PANG Xinhua, CHENG Qin, ZHOU Quanguang, SONG Qiqi, ZHU Pengjin
(Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
In order to breed new varieties of sugarcane (Soccharum officinarum) with high yield,high sugar content,strong stress resistance and suitable for planting in Guangxi sugarcane area,the new sugarcane varieties (lines) Guire 1 (GR1) and Guire 2 (GR2) were taken as experimental materials,and new Taitang (ROC22) was used as control.The multi-year and multi-point tracking planting experiment was carried out,and the results were analyzed by grey correlation degree and TOPSIS method.The results of grey correlation analysis showed that the factors affecting sugar yield were sugarcane yield>effective stem>plant height>tillering rate>sucrose content>stem diameter.The order of TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation of three sugarcane varieties was GR2>GR1>ROC22.GR2 has the highest cane yield,more effective stems and the best comprehensive evaluation,so it is an excellent sugarcane variety and is suitable for further promotion and planting.
Key words:  sugarcane variety (lines)  field experiment  grey correlation degree  TOPSIS method  comprehensive evaluation

