  • 庞巧珠,陈晓慧,谢海群,梁计林,邢孔敏.万宁小海海域重金属分布特征研究及其风险评价[J].广西科学,2024,31(3):554-564.    [点击复制]
  • PANG Qiaozhu,CHEN Xiaohui,XIE Haiqun,LIANGJilin,XING Kongmin.Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metalsin Wanning Xiaohai[J].Guangxi Sciences,2024,31(3):554-564.   [点击复制]
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庞巧珠, 陈晓慧, 谢海群, 梁计林, 邢孔敏
(海南省海洋与渔业科学院, 海南 海口 571126)
为了解海南省万宁市小海海水和鱼类生物体中的重金属污染现状及食入健康风险,选择万宁小海海水和常见的5种经济鱼类作为研究对象,测定海水和鱼类肌肉组织中6种重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg和As的含量。采用单因子指数(Pi,j)法和生物富集系数(BCF)法评价生物体污染程度,采用目标危险系数(THQ)法评估摄入重金属对人体的健康风险。结果表明:小海海水中Cu、Zn、Cd和As含量符合第一类海水水质标准;Pb和Hg含量整体处于第二类海水水质标准;潮汐通道处个别站位的Pb含量处于第三类海水水质标准,超出管理要求水平。与国内其他海域相比,小海Pb和Cd含量相对较高,Hg含量处于中等水平,Cu、As、Zn含量处于较低水平;与历史数据相比,Pb和Hg污染加剧。本研究的鱼类体内Zn、Hg和As富集明显,Pb和Cd富集较弱,部分鱼类As含量超出《食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量》中规定的限量。单因子指数法和目标危险系数法评价结果显示,小海常见的鱼类体内不仅出现As、Hg轻度污染,As还是主要的食用健康风险元素。长期适量食用该海域常见的5种经济鱼类不会有健康风险,但小海海域海水和鱼类生物体中的重金属污染仍应引起关注,同时应加强对海水中Pb、Hg和鱼类体内As、Hg含量的预警及监测,防止重金属污染危害人体健康。
关键词:  万宁小海  海水  生物体  重金属  生物富集  健康风险
Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metalsin Wanning Xiaohai
PANG Qiaozhu, CHEN Xiaohui, XIE Haiqun, LIANGJilin, XING Kongmin
(Hainan Academy of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences, Haikou, Hainan, 571126, China)
In order to understand the pollution status and the health risk of heavy metals in the seawater and fish organisms of Wanning Xiaohai,this study measured the content of 6 heavy metals (Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Hg,and As) in seawater and the muscle tissue of five common economic fish species in Wanning Xiaohai.Single-factor index (Pi,j) and BioConcentration Factor (BCF) were used to evaluate the contamination degree in fish,and Target Risk Factor (THQ) was adopted to assess the health risk of heavy metals to humans.The results showed that the content of Cu,Zn,Cd,and As in the seawater was below the first class seawater standard,while that of Hg and Pb was within the scope of the second class seawater quality standard.The content of Pb in some stations at the tidal channel was within the range of the third class seawater quality standard,exceeding the management requirement.Compared with that in other sea areas in China,the seawater in Wanning Xiaohai demonstrated high content of Pb and Cd,moderate content of Hg,and low content of Cu,As,and Zn.Compared with the historical data,Pb and Hg pollution aggravated.In this study,fish showcased obvious concentration of Zn,Hg,and As,weak concentration of Pb and Cd,and the As content in some fish exceeding the limits specified in National Food Safety Standard Limits for Contaminants in Food.The evaluation based on Pi,j and THQ showed that the common fish in Wanning Xiaohai had mild pollution of As and Hg,and As was the main health risk element.Long-term moderate consumption of the five common fish species in this sea area will not pose health risks,while the metal pollution of seawater and fish here should still be concerned.The regulatory authorities should strengthen the early warning and monitoring of Pb and Hg in seawater and As and Hg in fish to prevent heavy metal pollution from harming human health.
Key words:  Wanning Xiaohai  seawater  organism  heavy metal  bioconcentration  health risk

