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郑文俊1, 陈颖1, 洪子臻2, 胡露瑶3
关键词:  多尺度  漓江流域  传统村落  价值评价
Value Evaluation of Traditional Villages in Li River Basin Based on Ontology-regional Scale
ZHENG Wenjun1, CHEN Ying1, HONG Zizhen2, HU Luyao3
(1.College of Tourism and Landscape Architecture, Guilin University of Technology;2.College of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Science, Southwest Forestry University;3.Guilin Tourism University)
The value evaluation of traditional villages is of great significance for their protection and sustainable development. In order to improve the scientificity of the evaluation results and the differentiation of the regional scale indicators, this study takes the traditional villages in the Li River Basin as the research object, and constructs a value evaluation system that integrates the ontology and the regional scale. The system covers seven dimensions of history, culture, art, science, society, economy and environment, and contains 22 specific evaluation indicators. The study systematically evaluates the value of traditional villages by collecting data through a variety of methods, including field surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and crowdsourced data, and by combining qualitative and quantitative analyses. Based on the assessment results, the villages are classified into three grades: I, II and III, as well as four types: landscape and humanities, traditional landscape, natural ecology and balanced. Based on the classification of village classes and types, differentiated protection and utilization strategies for different types of villages are proposed to provide a scientific basis and practical guidance for the protection and development of traditional villages.
Key words:  Multi-scale  Li River Basin  Traditional Villages  Value Evaluation

