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周嘉珍1, 张庆泰2, 邓智联3, 申卫军1
关键词:  InVEST模型  地理探测器  时空变化  生境质量  南宁市
Temporal and spatial variations and influencing factors of habitat quality in urban areas based on InVEST model and geodetector —A case study of Nanning City
zhoujiazhen1, zhangqingtai2, dengzhilian3, shenweijun1
(1.College of Forestry;2..Guangxi Arts University;3.Guangxi Forestry Survey and Design Institute)
It is important to clarify the characteristics and influencial factors of habitat quality changes in urban areas to maintain its ecological security. Based on the land use data of Nanning city, the habitat quality and influencial factors in 2000, 2010 and 2020 were evaluated by the InVEST model and geographical detector. The results showed that: (1) The main land use/cover types in Nanning were cultivated land and forest land; the area of cultivated and forest lands decreased in the past 20 years, the area of construction land increased, and the area of ecological land use declined. (2) From 2000, 2010 to 2020, the average value of habitat quality in Nanning was 3.22, 3.21 and 3.17, respectively, exhibiting a decreasing trend. The habitat quality of most land uses in Nanning City was in the middle grade; forest lands belonged to the high grade of habitat quality; the main urban areas generally belonged to the low grade of habitat quality. The decreasing trend of habitat quality in the past 20 years could be attributed to the increase of construction land and the decrease of forest land. (3) The degree of habitat degradation in Nanning City showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, and the degradation was most obvious in Longan County and Mashan County. (4) The key factors affecting the habitat quality of Nanning City from 2000 to 2020 were population density,Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and annual mean precipitation, among which population density was the most important factor. In order to mitigate the declining status of habitat quality in Nanning City, we suggest to strengthen population and land management, formulate differentiated terrain ecological protection strategies, and optimize land use structure. Our research results provide insightful implications for the rational use of land resources and the maintenance of local biodiversity in Nanning City in the future.
Key words:  InVEST model  Geographical detector  Space-time change  Habitat quality  Nanning City

