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张亚丽1, 郭佳敏2, 田义超2, 林俊良2, 白小梅2
关键词:  NDVI  SPEI  累积效应  滞后效应  喀斯特
基金项目:广西自然科学(2018JJA150135);广西创新驱动发展专项(AA18118038);广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2021KY0431) ;广西高等教育本科教学改革工程项目(2024JGA268);
The response of NDVI in typical karst areas to the time lag and accumulation effects of drought index
zhangyali1, Guo jiamin1, Tian Yichao2, Lin junliang2, Bai Xiaomei2
(1.Beibu gulf university;2.Beibu Gulf university)
The impact of drought on vegetation has a lag and cumulative effect. Exploring the impact of drought index on vegetation growth in typical karst areas provides data support for vegetation restoration and ecological security in karst areas. This study is based on meteorological data and MODIS data, using methods such as SPEI index, MK test, and time delay and cumulative effects analysis to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of vegetation NDVI in typical karst areas of Guizhou Province, as well as the time delay and cumulative effects of drought index on vegetation NDVI. The research results indicate that: ① the annual average value of NDVI shows a significant upward trend, with an average interannual change rate of 0.049/10a; In terms of space, 99.32% of the vegetation in the area shows an improvement trend, with 71.25% of the vegetation in the area showing a significant improvement trend; Geographically, the annual average NDVI in karst areas is lower than that in non karst areas, but the vegetation improvement trend in karst areas (0.05/10a) is faster than that in non karst areas (0.046/10a). ②The spatial differences in SPEI trends are significant, with negative SPEI slopes mainly distributed in karst trough and valley areas, while the proportion of areas with positive SPEI slopes in peak cluster depressions is 95.19%.③ The response of NDVI to the time delay and accumulation effects of drought index mainly shows 0 month lag and 3 month accumulation (TLA0-3), concentrated in karst valley areas; Next are the 1-month lag and 0 month accumulation (TLA1-0) effects, mainly distributed in peak cluster depressions. Overall, the accumulation effect in the northeast direction of the study area is more significant, while the time lag effect in the southwest region is more pronounced.
Key words:  NDVI  SPEI  accumulation effect  Lag effect  karst

