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姜垒1, 施诗2, 王洪峰3, 王丛丛3, 何春梅3
根据2021年版《国家重点保护野生植物名录》,广东韶关-清远片区有国家级重点保护野生植物113种。为了探究韶关-清远片区保护野生植物的潜在适生区和保护空缺区域,本研究选取该区域28种重点保护野生植物和40个省级及以上的自然保护地,基于MaxEnt模型和ArcGIS软件生成了28种植物的潜在适生区模型。结果表明:(1)28种植物的模型效果良好,AUC值均在0.8~1之间。(2)大面积适生(占韶关-清远片区面积30%~100%)的植物有花榈木(Ormosia henryi)等6种,较大面积适生(20%~30%)的植物有木荚红豆(O. xylocarpa)等6种,中等面积适生(10%~20%)的有金荞麦(Fagopyrum dibotrys)等9种,小面积适生(0%~10%)的有伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis)等7种。(3)温度和海拔对28种植物分布起主导作用:14个是气候因子(温度:10,降雨:4),10个是地形因子(海拔:7,坡向:2,坡度:1),剩余4个是土壤因子。(4)将生成的适生区结果图层二值化处理,得到28种植物的热点区域,面积为4 789.16 km2。(5)把28种植物的热点区域的空间分布格局图层与韶关-清远片区40个自然保护地边界矢量图进行叠加分析,得到28种植物的保护空缺区域,面积为3 772.56 km2。28种植物的热点区域面积占研究区域面积的12.81%,表明28种植物在该地区具有较好的适生性。28种植物的保护空缺区域面积占研究区域面积的10.09 %,野生植物的保护空缺面积较大,还有较大的区域未纳入到保护地中,增大韶关-清远片区自然保护地的面积,可以更好的保护该地区的保护野生植物。
关键词:  清远韶关  重点保护野生植物  自然保护地  潜在适生区  保护空缺
Potential Suitable Areas and Conservation Gaps of National Key Protected Wild Plants in Qingyuan-Shaoguan Region of Guangdong Province
JIANG Lei1, SHI Shi2, WANG Hongfeng3, WANG Congcong3, HE Chunmei3
(1.Guangxi Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University;3.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization /Guangdong Academy of Forestry)
According to the 2021 edition of the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants, the Shaoguan-Qingyuan region of Guangdong Province hosts 113 nationally protected wild plant species. To explore the potential suitable habitats and conservation gaps for these protected wild plants, this study selected 28 key protected species and 40 provincial and above nature reserves in the region, using the MaxEnt models and ArcGIS software, potential suitable habitat models were generated for the 28 species. The results showed that: (1) All models demonstrated good predictive performance with AUC values ranging from 0.8 to 1. (2) Plants with very high habitat suitability (30%~100% of the Shaoguan-Qingyuan region) include Ormosia henryi and five others, those with high suitability (20%~30%) comprise O. xylocarpa and five additional species, species exhibiting moderate suitability (10%~20%) encompass Fagopyrum dibotrys and eight more, while low suitability areas (0%~10%) are occupied by Bretschneidera sinensis and six other species. (3) Temperature and elevation were the dominant factors influencing the distribution of the 28 plant species: climatic factors accounted for 14 variables (temperature: 10, precipitation: 4), topographic factors for 10 (elevation: 7, aspect: 2, slope: 1), and soil factors for the remaining 4. (4) Binary classification of suitability layers identified hotspot areas covering 4 789.16 km2 for the 28 species. (5) Overlay analysis between the spatial distribution layers of hotspot areas for the 28 plant species and the vector boundaries of 40 protected areas in the Shaoguan-Qingyuan region identified conservation gaps totaling 3 772.56 km2. The hotspot areas cover 12.81% of the study region, indicating favorable habitat suitability for these species. Meanwhile, conservation gaps account for 10.09% of the regional area, highlighting significant unprotected habitats. These findings suggest that expanding protected areas in Shaoguan-Qingyuan through targeted land incorporation would enhance conservation effectiveness for wild plants.
Key words:  Qingyuan-Shaoguan region  key protected wild plants  protected areas  potential suitable areas  Conservation Gaps

