  • 刘小华.红耳鹎生态学的初步研究[J].广西科学院学报,1992,(1):54-62.    [点击复制]
  • Liu Xiaohua.A Preliminary Study on the Ecology of Red-Whiskered Bulbul[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1992,(1):54-62.   [点击复制]
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(广西科学院生物研究所, 南宁 530003)
本研究于1984——1991年间在广西的贺县,南宁、隆林等地进行。作者对红耳鹎在金钟山北坡四种林型中的分布数量作了调查,夏季在桂西金种山北坡的四种林型中,红耳鹎的分布数量以河谷农田稀树灌丛林最高,密度为1.13% ha。繁殖期为2~8月,雌鸟筑巢,窝卵数在2~4枚,以3枚居多,卵均重2.8(2.4~3.4)g平均大小为:15.7(15.2-16.0)mm×21.9(20.6~24.7)mm。仅雌鸟孵卵,孵化期约10~11天。卵孵化率为86.9%,巢中育雏期10~12天,双亲共同育雏,对其食性作了分析。植物性食物占64.8%,动物性食物占27.8%。
关键词:  红耳鹎  分布数量  繁殖  广西
A Preliminary Study on the Ecology of Red-Whiskered Bulbul
Liu Xiaohua
(Institute of Biology, Guangxi Academy of Sciences)
This paper is a preliminary report on the ecological study of red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus jocosus) The ecology study was carried out in hexian, Nanning and Longlin of Guangxi in 1984-1991. Authors investigated the number and the distribution of red-whiskered bubul amoung four type standing forests in the north slope of Jin-Zhong mountain in the west of Gunagxi in summer, the red-whiskered bulbul is highest distributed in sparse bush in the valley farmland. The density is about 1.13/ha. It is breeding period is from the beginning of february to august. Nest-building is accomplished by femal birds. A clutch is about 2-4 eggs, mostly is three. The average weight of egg is about 2. 8 (2.4-3.4) gms. 15. 7 (15.2~16.0) mm×21.9(20.6~24.7) mm in size. Incubation of the eggs is carried out by female alone. The incubation period is about 10~11 days. The ratio of the egg incubation making up 86.9% of the total.
The youngs are fed in the nest for about 10~12days. Both male and female share in feeding the young. In the food of Red-whiskered Bulbul, the plant food made up 64.8% of the total. animal food made up 27.8%.
Key words:  Red-whiskered Bulbul  Distribution and number  Breeding  Guangxi

