  • Wei Shouqing,Fan Hangqing,Chen Jian.Ecological Relationship between Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) and Mangroves and the Pattern of Utilization[J].广西科学院学报,1993,(2):82-87.    [点击复制]
  • Wei Shouqing,Fan Hangqing,Chen Jian.Ecological Relationship between Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) and Mangroves and the Pattern of Utilization[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1993,(2):82-87.   [点击复制]
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Ecological Relationship between Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) and Mangroves and the Pattern of Utilization
Wei Shouqing, Fan Hangqing, Chen Jian
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Beihai 536000)
The ecological relationship between mud crab Scylla serrata(Forskal) and mangroves was described in this paper.Mangrove swamps are important reproductive places for mud crabs,where zoeae,megalopae,juveniles from 1st to 14th instar,adult crabs and ovigerous female crabs were found.Mangrove roots and the leaf litter are the shelters of the mud crab.The zoeae and megalopae of mud crab can normally grow and develop on the plankton and debris that are well-supplied in mangrove swamps.There are a lot of Phascolesoma,Mollusca and Crustacea which constitute the delicious foods of the mud crab in mangrove swamps.The larger crabs have a preference for Ostrea,Balanus and Vignadula which usually amply adhere and endanger the mangroves,so the mud crab is helpful for the development of the mangrove communties. Finally a pattern of ecological culture of the mud crab in mangrove swamps was suggested.
关键词:  Mangroves  Scylla serrata(Forskal)  Ecological relationship
Ecological Relationship between Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) and Mangroves and the Pattern of Utilization
Wei Shouqing, Fan Hangqing, Chen Jian
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Beihai 536000)
The ecological relationship between mud crab Scylla serrata(Forskal) and mangroves was described in this paper.Mangrove swamps are important reproductive places for mud crabs,where zoeae,megalopae,juveniles from 1st to 14th instar,adult crabs and ovigerous female crabs were found.Mangrove roots and the leaf litter are the shelters of the mud crab.The zoeae and megalopae of mud crab can normally grow and develop on the plankton and debris that are well-supplied in mangrove swamps.There are a lot of Phascolesoma,Mollusca and Crustacea which constitute the delicious foods of the mud crab in mangrove swamps.The larger crabs have a preference for Ostrea,Balanus and Vignadula which usually amply adhere and endanger the mangroves,so the mud crab is helpful for the development of the mangrove communties. Finally a pattern of ecological culture of the mud crab in mangrove swamps was suggested.
Key words:  Mangroves  Scylla serrata(Forskal)  Ecological relationship

