  • Fan Hangqing.A Proposal for the International Cooperation of Mangrove Ecosystem Studies in Guangxi of China[J].广西科学院学报,1993,(2):98-103.    [点击复制]
  • Fan Hangqing.A Proposal for the International Cooperation of Mangrove Ecosystem Studies in Guangxi of China[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1993,(2):98-103.   [点击复制]
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A Proposal for the International Cooperation of Mangrove Ecosystem Studies in Guangxi of China
Fan Hangqing
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Centre, Beihai 536000)
In the present paper,the situations concerning mangroves in Guangxi,China were reviewed with focus on resources,scientific research and natural conservation.The urgent problems,related to coastal mangroves,were given out as some research projects for the considerations of foreign scientists and managers.On this basis,a favourable local study site of mangrove ecosystem was introduced in detail.
关键词:  mangroves  Guangxi  international cooperation
A Proposal for the International Cooperation of Mangrove Ecosystem Studies in Guangxi of China
Fan Hangqing
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Centre, Beihai 536000)
In the present paper,the situations concerning mangroves in Guangxi,China were reviewed with focus on resources,scientific research and natural conservation.The urgent problems,related to coastal mangroves,were given out as some research projects for the considerations of foreign scientists and managers.On this basis,a favourable local study site of mangrove ecosystem was introduced in detail.
Key words:  mangroves  Guangxi  international cooperation

