  • 黄宁珍,陈锐章.紫露草微核技术对两种保鲜剂的诱变测试[J].广西科学院学报,1994,(2):19-21.    [点击复制]
  • Huang Ningzhen,Chen Ruizhang.Detecting the Mutagenicity of Two Agents Used in Fruit Store by Tradescantia Micronucleus Assay[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1994,(2):19-21.   [点击复制]
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黄宁珍, 陈锐章
(广西植物研究所, 桂林 541006)
关键词:  保鲜剂  最低有效浓度  诱变性
Detecting the Mutagenicity of Two Agents Used in Fruit Store by Tradescantia Micronucleus Assay
Huang Ningzhen, Chen Ruizhang
(Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guilin, 541006)
Some bactericide agents used in fruit store have toxity and mutagenicity and harm to human's health. But many people always notice its tokity only and neglect its mutagedity. Sowe detected the mutagenicity of Banlate (0.1%) and Thiophanate (0.07%) in its minimal effective dose by Tradescantia Micronucleus Assay. These two bactericide agents were usually used in fruit store in China. In this experiment well water was used for negative control and MH (Maleic Hydrazide) for positive control. The results indecate that the mutagenic frequency of Banlate (0.1%) is far higher than the negative control, and in this concentration there are many tetrads whose nucleus and protoplasm couldn't be distinguished clearly (both sections are dyed deep red); when the solution is diluted to 0.05%, its mutagenic frequency would be higher than 0.1%, but few tetrads whose both sections are dyed deep red. All these show that Banlate not only is an effective mutagen but also could destroy the memberanes system in cell and mix up protoplasm and nucleoplasm. Thiophante was a strong mutagen too, it is an effective mutagen also. In China Thiophante was used widely in fruit store such as apples and oranges, and this is a remarkable problom.
Key words:  bactericide agents  minimal effective dose  mutagencity

