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尤其儆,陆温,黄初发,蒙超衡.广西水、旱、蝗灾害及其综合治理对策[J].广西科学院学报,1995,(Z1):2-7. [点击复制]
- You Qijing,Lu Wen,Huang Chufa,Meng Chaoheng.The Natural Calamities of Flood,Drought and Locust and Their Stratey of Integrated Control[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1995,(Z1):2-7. [点击复制]
摘要: |
较全面系统地阐述了我区近380年来水、旱、蝗三大自然灾害的发生历史和现状,分析了这些自然灾害的形成原因及其相互关系.认为:季风气候异常是导致旱、涝灾害的主导因素;地形、地貌的差异是造成区域性旱、涝灾害的重要因子;生态环境恶化及河流水位暴涨暴落是引起旱、涝灾害的直接原因;农田水利基本建设年久失修促使农田旱涝调节能力减弱。论证了旱、涝灾害与蝗灾之间的相互关系,认为:在东亚飞蝗未彻底根治之前,旱、涝灾害与自然地理环境等生态因素的相互作用和互相配合,是造成飞蝗大发生的重要根源.提出以下综合治理对策:(1)加快河流治理.消除旱、涝灾害;(2)积极造林绿化,维护生态平衡;(3)兴修农田水利,发展生态农业。实现上述三项措施后,我区水、旱、蝗三大自然灾害可得到彻底根治。 |
关键词: 水灾 旱灾 蝗灾 综合治理 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:1995-06-13 |
基金项目: |
The Natural Calamities of Flood,Drought and Locust and Their Stratey of Integrated Control |
You Qijing, Lu Wen, Huang Chufa, Meng Chaoheng
(Institute of Biology, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, 2 Daling Road, Nanning, 530003) |
Abstract: |
The historical and present situation of the natural calamities of flood,drought and locusts which have occured since 1612 in Guangxi are expounded systematically.Base on the analysis of the formation and interrelation of the calamities,we find that:the key factor resulting in the calamities of flood and drought is the unusual monsoonal climate;the important factor causing the calamities of flood and drought in different area is the divergence of topography and land form;the direct cause that results in calamities of flood and drought is the deterioration of ecological environment and rise and fall abruptly of the water level of river;the efficacy loss of farm-land water conservancy project reduces the regulating ability of farm-land to the flood and drought.After domonstrating the correlation of the three calamities,we find that the important source resulting in locusts plague is the interaction and coordination between the calamities of flood and drought and the physiographic condition, before the locusts have not been eradicated.The strategy of integrated control of the calamities in Guangxi is as follows:(1) bringing the rivers under control, so as to alleviate the calamities of flood and drought;(2) keeping up ecosystem stability by afforesting actively;(3) building irrigation projects of farm-land and developping ecological agriculture. |
Key words: flood drought locust integrated control |