摘要: |
文章首先讨论生态环境的基本概念,接着指出环境的差异导致生物的多样性;多样性是生态环境与生物种群关系的核心.生物种群数量在特定的时、空范围内急剧增加会危及生态环境,而人工移养驯化促进生物多样性已有不少成功的事例。广西海洋生物5635种。占专家估计的世界物种(约3191604种)数1.76‰、中国占世界物种数的7.9%,与广西海洋捕捞量为世界的1.69‰,中国占世界的6.3%相当接近,提示海洋生物种类与渔获量间存在着某种内在的消长机制有待人们去研究揭示,而生物多样性是水域生态环境与生物种群正常关系的主要指标。最后提出扩增广西浅海某一种群数量的具体建议。 |
关键词: 生态环境 种群数量 生物多样性 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:1995-05-08 |
基金项目: |
On the Ecoenvironment and Population number in Sea Area |
Chen Zhenyu
(Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, 530003) |
Abstract: |
The basic conception of ecoenvironment and environmental difference resulting in biodiversity was discussed. Diversity is the nucleus of the relationship between ecoenvironment and biological population. Sharp increment of biological population number in a specific time and space will harm the ecoenviron ment.There are quite a few success instances that artifical introduction culture and domestication promote biodiversify. There are 5635 species of marine organisms in Guangxi, accounting for 0.176 per cent of the word's(about 3191604 species, estimated by experts),and those of the whole China account for 7.9 per cent of the world's species.The harvests of marine fishing in Guangxi and the whole China account for 0.169 per cent and 6.3 per cent of the world's total harvest,respectively,which are very near the species percentyes.These indicate that some function of increase and decrease between marine organism species and harvest remain researched in the future.Biodeversity is the key index of.normal relation of ecoenvironment in sea area and biological population. Suggestions of increase of a certain population number in shallow sea of Guangxi were also proposed. |
Key words: ecoenvironment population number biodiversity |