  • 蒙超衡,陆温,黎天山,尤其儆.广西海岛昆虫生态地理[J].广西科学院学报,1997,(3):34-39.    [点击复制]
  • Meng Chaoheng,Lu Wen,Li Tianshan,Yu Qijing.Insect Ecogeography in Guangxi Islands[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1997,(3):34-39.   [点击复制]
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蒙超衡1, 陆温2, 黎天山3, 尤其儆4
(1.广西中医学院, 南宁 530001;2.广西大学农学院, 南宁 530005;3.广西植物研究所, 桂林 541006;4.广西科学院生物研究所, 南宁 530003)
关键词:  海岛  昆虫  生态地理
Insect Ecogeography in Guangxi Islands
Meng Chaoheng1, Lu Wen2, Li Tianshan3, Yu Qijing4
(1.Guangxi College of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Nanning, 530001;2.College of Agricuture, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530005;3.Guangxi Institute of Botany Guilin, 541006;4.Biological Institute, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, 530003)
The result of insect survey on islands in Guangxi, China is reported at first time. The registerd insects are belong to 14 orders, 88 families,234 genera, 319 species. The orders that more species have heen found are in sequence as Leoidoptera > Coleoptera > Orthoptera,making up 28.52%(butterfly 16.9%), 19.12%, 16.61%,respectively There are 72.2% butterflies and 75.0% locusts found on Weizhou island, 44.3% bugs found on Longmen(peninsula). The species in typical habitats is different. In evergreen broad leave forest and tropical seasional rain forest, 45.2% insects are Leoidoptera, 16.1% are Coleoptera; in Pinus massoniana forest, 40% are Leoidoptera,22.2% are Coleoptera, 13.3% are Holoptera, 11.1% are Orthoptera. Faunally, Oriental Palearctic species are 30%, Oriental species are 70%, among them Huanan and Huanan Huazhong element hold a dominant position. The abundance of species is obviously correlated with the size of the island,whether it is the island or peninsula.There are valuable insect, such as 116 species are natural enemy and medicinal insect and lots of butterfly are very bautiful. Since some common pest on mainland, for example Icerya purchasi,Erionota thorax, Ciaphorina citri, are not found on some islands, so it is hopeful to produce high quality seedling of banana and orange on these islands.
Key words:  islands  insect  ecogeography

